
Autumn A Time For Letting Go

Oyster Shells & Dragon Bone – Chinese Medicine  Dr Leela Klein (TCM), 0421 283 442,   Autumn is the season where the hot summer days gradually become shorter, where the cold creeps in and where the energising energy of summer is replaced by the deeper, more introspective, contracting energies of autumn. Autumn also governs [...]

Three Tips for Autumn Wellbeing

Autumn marks the end of the growing season, having provided the harvest, nature now makes everything bare. In this season nature lets go of its abundant creation of the past year in a grand final display. Just like in nature, our bodies transition through ‘seasons’ with different organs, physiology and aspects of ourselves in focus [...]

Protect your inner environment….as carbon taxes you!

With the carbon tax approaching and the continuous presence of carbon emissions in the media we can’t help but see the word ‘carbon’ as ‘bad’ or ‘toxic’.  It got me thinking about carbon dioxide within the body.  It is often perceived as being ‘toxic’ for the human body, but how true is this? Carbon dioxide [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:18:55+11:00August 9th, 2012|Mental Attitudes, Yoga & Meditation|1 Comment

Massage your Way to a Healthier Lymphatic System

In this day and age we are constantly reminded about the importance of a healthy heart, watching what we eat, weight training, cardiovascular workouts and getting regular check ups. However, most of us forget about the very important and significant, lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a circulation system for transport and ‘drainage’. We are [...]

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