pain relief

Hormones, Inflammation and Fasting: the Female Experience by Chantal Cavanagh – Part 1

There has been so much talk regarding the benefits of fasting for weight loss and improved energy over the last few years that it seems a natural response to want to jump on board to reap these benefits! But did you also know that there are other incredible health promoting benefits to fasting that are [...]

Herbal Remedies for a Hangover, the Chinese Medicine Way

What is a hangover? Alcohol is a diuretic so most of the symptoms associated with overindulging are related to dehydration. Over time the alcohol we consume breaks down into acetaldehyde, which our bodies find toxic. It’s normal for your body to try to get rid of this toxin, hence nausea. In response to the toxins, [...]

Autumn Recharge with Bowen Therapy

What can Bowen do for you this Winter? Bowen can address pain relief, provide stress relief, improve immune function and increase energy levels. What is Bowen?   Bowen sessions are about relaxing on a massage table while your therapist addresses your specific needs, using deceptively gentle finger-tip pressure to powerfully activate precise combinations of muscle nerve and connective [...]

Phytolacca Decandra

Phytolacca Decandra is otherwise known as Poke Weed or Poke.  Like all homeopathics  Phytolacca Decandra suitable for treating a variety of different symptoms and is particularly good for benefiting the glandular system,  some  skin conditions,  mental and emotional needs and offers general pain relief. In relation to the benefits for the  glandular system, as Photolacca [...]

By |2018-03-28T12:52:02+11:00October 12th, 2011|Healthy Diet, Healthy Food, Homeopathy, Product Review|0 Comments
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