
Activating the Relaxation Response in Yoga Nidra and how it allows Nervous System Repair.

Activating the Relaxation Response in Yoga Nidra and how it allows Nervous System Repair.   The relaxation response balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and balances the left and right brain. Through the process of yoga nidra, your brain shifts from beta, an awakened state with lots of brain activity, to alpha, being more [...]

Bowen curious? Heard about it but not sure what it’s all about?

Bowen is a gentle structural technique that aims to gently stimulate the body's own innate healing mechanism, reminding the physical body to realign itself where possible. If there is tension in one part of the body the whole musculoskeletal system can be compromised and effected, creating pain, discomfort or simply feeling physically out of whack. [...]

By |2018-03-28T12:52:36+11:00March 19th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Science of Kundalini Yoga Meditation

As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a transpersonal counsellor who uses meditation as a therapeutic intervention, I am continually amazed by how profoundly this range of interventions can bring about deep, lasting change. I find it exciting that Western science has caught up with what yogic texts have been teaching for thousands of years. I [...]

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