Clearing Your Arcline and Calling in your Soulmate

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This Workshop is so close to my heart as I myself are calling in my Soulmate. Having extensive first hand Knowledge on the different manifesting tools, Dating Feng Shui
and beautiful poems and prayers from all over the world to uplift and inspire you. We will be using the technology of Kundalini Yoga, you will learn how it can be used when calling in the Soulmate. We have 2 main mantras that we will learn that are used specifically for this purpose. We will immerse ourselves with the ancient sound current. You will receive all mantras that are used in the workshop to take home, Next we will clear and learn about the ARCLINE what’s its function is and how to clear it. You will be taught 2 meditations and be asked to choose ONE to start a 40 day Group Sadhana. This workshop is truly magical and if you feeled called to explore this with me I look forward to meeting you.

Love and Light Daya Prakash

Investment:$55/$45 conc.&KH-members


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