acupuncture points

Hayfever…hit it with an antihistamine or go for a lasting success?

Allergic Rhinitis affects up to 20-40% of the population at some stage of their life and is triggered by inhaled allergens (dust mite, pollens etc); this leads to a hypersensitivity of the immune response.  It is characterized by inflammation or irritation of the mucous membrane in the nose causing irritating and often debilitating symptoms, which [...]

The Meridians

Written by Acupuncture Therapist Renee Knott Anyone who has received acupuncture will know that fine needles are carefully inserted into specific places called acupuncture points along a meridian or “energy channel”.  But what exactly is a meridian or “energy channel”? A meridian is a pathway or channel through which the “qi” or vital energy flows [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:50:10+11:00October 26th, 2011|Traditional Chinese Medicine|0 Comments
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