Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist

Herbal Remedies for a Hangover, the Chinese Medicine Way

What is a hangover? Alcohol is a diuretic so most of the symptoms associated with overindulging are related to dehydration. Over time the alcohol we consume breaks down into acetaldehyde, which our bodies find toxic. It’s normal for your body to try to get rid of this toxin, hence nausea. In response to the toxins, [...]

Winter – Time to rug up, eat walnuts & have acupuncture By Leela Klein

Winter – Time to rug up, eat walnuts & have acupuncture   Chinese Medicine encourages us to live in harmony with the seasons, and according to Chinese medicine theory, there are five seasons – winter, spring, summer, late summer, and autumn. Winter is the season of hibernation, when energy moves inward. A time of retreat [...]

Looking after yourself through colds and flus!

Written by Pip Atherstone-Reid, Acupuncturist and co-owner of Kundalini House Often we find that during winter or when the seasons change we become more susceptible to colds and flus.  We are offered the flu vaccine, cold and flu tablets and decongestants but are they really the answer for most of us?  Do they nourish us [...]

Hayfever…hit it with an antihistamine or go for a lasting success?

Allergic Rhinitis affects up to 20-40% of the population at some stage of their life and is triggered by inhaled allergens (dust mite, pollens etc); this leads to a hypersensitivity of the immune response.  It is characterized by inflammation or irritation of the mucous membrane in the nose causing irritating and often debilitating symptoms, which [...]

Food for the Brain – Omega 3 DHA

The Western diet has changed a lot in the last 20 to 50 years, not only with the choices we make about what to eat, but how the food is grown and manufactured. Increasingly our soils are being depleted of essential minerals and our food is heavily processed which robs it even more. The animals [...]

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