
Hormones, Inflammation and Fasting: The Female Experience by Chantal Cavanagh – Part 2

During Part 1 of this blog, I discussed how research is highlighting how the female hormones play a role in inflammation and pain. Throughout our lives as females, our hormones will change and pivot from one state to the next. Keeping them balanced and in an ideal range makes sense for so many aspects of [...]

Hormones, Inflammation and Fasting: the Female Experience by Chantal Cavanagh – Part 1

There has been so much talk regarding the benefits of fasting for weight loss and improved energy over the last few years that it seems a natural response to want to jump on board to reap these benefits! But did you also know that there are other incredible health promoting benefits to fasting that are [...]

Do you clench or grind your teeth? Treating headaches and neck pain by targeting the jaw

I first became interested in the mechanics of the jaw and the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) when I began to suffer from tension, restricted range of movement and clicking in my own jaw.  I think it was a combination of starting up my own business, having a baby and having to cope with a lot of [...]

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