
Sunshine, I salute thee!

Sun salutes strengthen and lengthen all the major muscle groups and bring deeper focus to the act of breathing.  Each movement is coupled with the breath in a sun salutation. This means we get the chance to really focus on deeply inhaling and exhaling while we move. The benefits of bringing breath consciously into and [...]

Be with the Heart

We recently celebrated Kundalini Yoga at the annual Kundalini Yoga Festival of light. The day focused on the heart centre. It was a wonderful day of community, sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and awakening the expansive space of the heart. The heart chakra is the fourth spiritual centre within all of us. Physically located [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:48:56+11:00September 8th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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