Transformational Breathwork with Allison Pellaers

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Come and experience the power of your own breath during one hour of transformational breathwork.

For the first 20 minutes, Allison will explain what breathwork is, what to expect emotionally, physically, energetically and spiritually. She will also give you an overview of the technique and a bit of time to practice in a safe environment.

With Allison, you will take time to drop in and connect to yourself and the environment, to give yourself time to feel secure and prepare to breathe deeply.

Allison will then be guiding you with her voice and emotional music for this one hour of breathwork. The theme will be “New Year – New Beginnings” – It will help you to set up a clear intention of what you would like to attract in 2025, and we will let go of what we don’t want to bring with us in this new year.

Please make sure to fill in and sign the reliability form to enable you to participate:…

Investment: Full Price $75.00+ $4.39 / or contribute in any way you can

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