Pregnancy Induction

“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers…. strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
Barbara Katz Rothman

Natural Induction stimulation can be given before or after your due date but it is ideal to be treated often in the weeks leading up to the birth to help prepare and relax your body and mind. These treatments can be used to stimulate the body’s natural processes and relax you at this time, so they can be beneficial even when a medical induction is scheduled or cesarean is necessary.

Please speak with your midwife or doctor if you have any complications or pre-existing conditions that may be effected by natural induction.

Acupuncture Induction & Birth preparation

If your birth is late or needing to come earlier due to medical reasons, Acupuncture can be used to encourage the natural process of the body. By using specific points Acupuncture can ripen the cervix and support the hormonal process to release oxytocin, to encourage a natural labour. It is beneficial to have weekly treatments leading up to your due date and we suggest you come in from week 37. These treatments are relaxing and supportive, not only helping to prepare you physically but emotionally for the journey ahead.

Acu-point massage training for labour
The points needled during these treatments are also helpful to use during your labour, to help ensure a smooth labour, relaxation and for pain relief. We offer 1.5-hour appointments, where your birth partner can attend your treatment and your Acupuncturist will teach them how to massage these points when you are in labour. This is a supportive, effective and empowering process for both you and your birth partner. Please specify when booking in for your treatment.


½ hour appointment: $80
45 min appointment: $105
1 hour appointment: $120
1 ½ hour appointment: $150
Initial Acupuncture appointment: $150
Herbal Consult: $85

Concession available

Simply book an Acupuncture appointment and state in booking notes which Acupuncture treatment you are after or simply call 9482 4325 to make a booking.

Bowen Induction

Gentle and relaxing rolling techniques are used to treat the coccyx, which can help stimulate labour and relax tense muscles. Depending on your circumstance, it is best used after your due date.

More information about Bowen Therapy


1 hour appointment: $120
1½ hour appointment: $145

Simply book a bowen and state in booking notes that you’re after an Induction treatment. If you’re unsure, please call 9482 4325 to make a booking.