
“People do not come into therapy to change their past but their future.”
Milton H. Erickson

Hypnotherapy is a simple, effective way to create the change you want. Through special relaxation techniques, the practitioner will help you to enter into a deeply relaxed state, called the ‘theta state’, where our brainwave signals are a lot more organised and less random. In this state, the power of suggestion is magnified enormously.

The Theta state is a natural state of mind that most people experience on a daily basis and is the mind’s way of taking time out to process the experiences and learning’s of the day. When you are deeply relaxed you are operating automatically rather than thinking consciously and while in that unthinking trance-like state, you are more open and connected to the area of the mind where learned behaviour patterns and blocks come from. With subtle suggestion you are able to change your outlook to a more positive position quickly and simply.

What can I expect from a treatment?


The Hypnotherapy sessions are designed to be a relaxing and transformative experience. Your therapist begin by understanding your challenges and how you would rather respond to life and what your life will look like once you are free from your challenges.  Then they will start to work consciously and unconsciously to reframe your old patterns using hypnotherapy techniques, energy healing, NLP techniques, guided meditations, visualisations and more to help change unwanted patterns.  Leaving you feeling rejuvenated and empowered as you walk out of the session.

A personalised CD of the session may be given depending on the related problem.  No person can be given suggestions that they do not believe or want and it is safe for you to come out of the relaxed state at any time you wish.

Each practitioner will work with different techniques. Please speak with our reception staff or read more about each practitioner in their bio below.

Hypnotherapy & NLP | A blended approach

Hypnotherapy allows you to enter a blissful state of deep relaxation. This natural trance-like state allows for positive transformation. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) reframes unwanted limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering thought patterns, beliefs and behaviours to create a positive and lasting impact.

Smoking cessation | Addiction

Problems like the cessation of smoking (3 easy sessions) and or other addictions, may need two or three sessions.  A recording giving you a lifetime of support is provided after 3 sessions, please talk with your practitioner about follow-up appointments if required.

How can Hypnotherapy help?

the power of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has been used for centuries and is even more popular and successful today with modern research and techniques. It can be used to treat a wide range of behavioural problems in an effective and safe way. Below are some conditions that can be treated with Hypnotherapy. If your condition is not listed please talk with our Hypnotherapist to find out how she can help you.

  • Weight loss
  • Smoking
  • Sleep problems
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Child Birth – Pain Free (Calm birth)
  • Compulsive behaviours and habits
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Motivation
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Nervous Issues

Our Hypnotherapists

jane johnston hypnotherapy

Jane Johnston

Marcus Corah Hypnotherapy North Fitzroy

Marcus Corah

Investment & Bookings

Consultation: $150
3 sessions, including recording: $430

Call Jane on 0417 545 475 or the clinic on 9482 4325 to make an appointment.

For appointments with Marcus please call the clinic on 9482 4325 or book here.

Gift Vouchers available.
Eftpos/CC facilities available.
Health fund rebates may apply- please ask when booking.

Please view our cancellation policy.