Massage in North Fitzroy

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Kundalini House Massage & Shiatsu in North Fitzroy Melbourne has an experienced and qualified team of massage therapists that are trained in a wide range of massage styles and will tailor a treatment to suit you and your individual health needs. Whether it be back pain, neck and shoulder tension, sport injuries or stress relief and relaxation, anxiety our remedial and therapeutic massage therapists can help you.

If you are feeling overworked or suffer from sub-clinical health, massage can help to increase circulation and immune function, helping you to restore your general well being. As well as repairing injured muscle fibres and increasing flexibility from injured or overworked muscles.

Come in and let our therapists look after you, spoil you and help you to repair and balance your physical and emotional self. Massage can create an opportunity for your body to soften, relax and start to rejuvenate in a way that promotes health and energy!

Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers as well as boosting your immune system.

How can Massage help?

massage centre fitzroy north

prenatal massage fitzroy north

The benefits of massage are widely known, and can alleviate the effects of work related stress, such as hunching over your desk, repetitive movement, sports injuries and workload pressure.  A good massage can uplift, heal the body and bring better health.
Massage can help with the following and more:

  • Musculo-skeletal problems
  • Sports injuries
  • Stress related problems
  • Improves circulation & the immune system
  • Migraines
  • Flexibility
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Pregnancy related difficulties
  • Relaxation
  • Insomnia
  • Lymphatic circulation

“I love massage because it brings me back to myself and helps me to become aware of different areas that I am holding tension and stress in, while at the same time, softening and massaging muscle tension and injury.  Depending on how I feel, I can go deeply into my self and my healing or allow myself to be looked after and treated while I relax.  I love it! It’s such a big part of my self maintenance, I’m forever grateful.”

“My massage was just wonderful. The practitioner was so attentive and worked the areas of my body that needed it most, with skill and intuition. I’ll be back. Thank you so much.” Odette M.

Kundalini House offers the following Massage styles

massage fitzroy north melbourne

Remedial & Sports Massage

During a Remedial Massage, your Therapist will assess and treat the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia using light to deep massage techniques directly on the effected area. Passive stretching and myofascial trigger points may also be used.

Relaxation Massage

Relaxation massage is a rhythmical full body massage that helps to calm the parasympathetic nervous system and invite the body to relax and heal.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle light technique, which helps to circulate the lymph to create balance and flow.

It can be used:

  • Post surgery
  • In conjunction with a detox
  • Prior to Plastic surgery
  • Lymphedema
  • To relieve puffy hands and feet
  • As a boost to the immune system

Cupping Massage

Chinese Medicine cupping technique can be used to increase circulation and myofacial release to help with pain, inflammation, injuries and relaxation. Please note that cupping can leave marks for up to 4 days post treatment, which is expected.

Pre Natal Massage

Kundalini House is renowned for it’s Pregnancy Massage and our experienced Therapists will tailor the massage to meet the expectant mothers needs. Massage can play an important role in maintaining health and comfort during this important time of your life. In pregnancy you can experience pain through your hips, shoulders, lower back, arms and feet due to the changes taking place in your physical body and hormones. Pregnancy cushions to comfortably and safely lie on your front, are available when requested

Post Natal Massage

Taking care of yourself after the birth of your baby is very important and Massage can be very beneficial to help recovery and support during a physically and emotionally challenging time. This is also a time when your neck and shoulders can become sore and tight during breast feeding or simply holding and rocking your child. Massage provides a nurturing and supportive space to help you feel cared for.


Shiatsu is a highly effective and enjoyable physical therapy that originated in Japan, and is rooted in Oriental Medicine. It can be beneficial both for specific conditions and as preventative healthcare. Treatment includes stretches, gentle manipulation of the joints, and soft but deep pressure on the meridians (energy channels that run along the body), mostly using the palms and thumbs, to release energy blockages and re-establish the optimal flow of “Ki/Qi/Chi” (vital energy/force).

The intention of this holistic massage therapy is to bring out the natural self-healing ability that we all possess by nature.



Reiki is an alternative therapy originating in Japan. The practitioners of Reiki believe that by using touch therapy, life-force energy can be transmitted from one person to another, and the flow of this energy or ki has potential to encourage emotional or physical healing.

During a Reiki treatment you remain fully clothed, the practitioner will have a sequence where they lay there hands on your body, you may experience pleasant physical sensations such as tingling and warmth or pleasant mental and emotional images. These vary from person to person because everyone experiences Reiki differently and no two Reiki treatments are ever the same.

Our Massage Therapists


Brooke Campbell

Louisa Della Riva

Louisa Dalla-Riva

Justine Zerwas Massage therapy north fitzroy

Justine Zerwas

Andy Mia Kranz

Andy Mia Kranz

Investment & Bookings

60 minute massage: $120
90 minute massage: $165
45 minute massage: $105

60 minute Shiatsu: $125
75 minute Initial Shiatsu: $145
90 minute Shiatsu: $160

Concessions available

Either book online or call us on 9482 4325 to make an appointment.

Gift Vouchers available.
Eftpos/CC facilities available.
Health fund rebates may apply- please ask when booking.

Please view our cancellation & refund policies.

Please be aware that if you need to reschedule or cancel, Kundalini House requires 24 hours notice, otherwise a $55 cancellation fee will incur.  Thank you for your understanding.