Yoga Styles & Class Description
Understand the different Yoga Styles and Class Descriptions.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is a unique combination of asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing), mantra (sound) and meditation that is threaded together into a specific sequence that targets an aspect of self to develop. Each class is dynamic, with a particular focus to breathe as you move, while you connect with awareness and acceptance.
Kundalini Yoga is much more than a good workout. It is a Yoga in which you can conquer the mind, expand your consciousness and improve your health, flexibility and creativity. It is a perfect practice of self maintenance.
All classes are suitable for beginners through to advanced students of yoga.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is the foundation from which many forms of yoga are derived. The word `hatha’ comes from `ha’, meaning sun, and `tha’, meaning moon. In this way, it is the union of energies via bodywork.
Through asana (postures), the body is made strong and flexible. Through pranayama (breathing), the mind and emotions are balanced, through meditation the thoughts are quietened and through self enquiry, the authentic self is located and strengthened.
Vinyasa Yoga
Our Vinyasa Yoga Classes are a dynamic and invigorating experience, where you’ll seamlessly transition from one posture to another in a flowing sequence. The key is to challenge yourself physically and mentally as you build strength and flexibility. You’ll be moving with your breath, allowing it to guide you through a variety of postures. This class offers a harmonious blend of movement and mindfulness, fostering a sense of balance and inner peace.
This is suitable for all levels as modifications and variations will be offered.
Hatha Flow Yoga
In our Hatha Flow Yoga Classes, you’ll experience a graceful and soothing practice marked by a steady flow with some pauses. This class can include longer holds and static postures, fostering a slower pace that encourages you to find balance, calm the mind, and create space. It’s an opportunity to gently slow down and create a tranquil, meditative atmosphere.
This is suitable for all levels as modifications and variations will be offered.
Tantric Hatha Yoga
Breaking down the Sanskrit of Tantra into its two parts: TAN is to stretch, expand, and accelerate and TRA is to move beyond limits, to protect. Tantra isn’t a passive path, instead it is one that invites us to weave our sacred life with the mundane; and Hatha translates into force – a path for those wishing to use time-tested techniques to move towards their desires in life with vigor. Yoga has always been a system for self-mastery, far beyond just relaxation or fitness.
In Tantric Hatha we use the traditional Hatha structure of asana, bandha, pranayama and meditation plus the gold of Tantra: mantra, to embody the powerful tantric worldview as a way to fully embrace this life and to see all as divine.
Take a deep dive into enriching your understanding of a personal practice and how the ancient techniques of Tantra and Hatha Yoga can magnify and illuminate your life on and off the mat.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi
Philosophy & Practice – Hatha Yoga
A weekly, 75-minute, progressive learning class on the system of yoga based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the 8-limbs of Yoga. This class is for students interested in learning about the subject of yoga as a pathway for spiritual development and Self-realisation. Each session will consist of a short lecture and a practice component for optimal understanding and integration.
No prior experience or knowledge required. It is recommended that you attend every Sunday during the term.
A Call to Action
Yoga is not merely an exercise; it is a profound journey that touches every aspect of our being. By returning to its roots and embracing its purpose as a gradual and progressive path, we can create a richer, more fulfilling experience for both students and teachers. As the Bhagavad Gita beautifully states: “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the Self.” Let us honour this journey by teaching yoga as it was intended—a path of transformation, enlightenment, and Self-realisation.
This class isn’t included in your membership or with passes.
Investment: $30 & $25 for Members
Time: Sundays at 4:00-5:15pm with Avril Bastiansz
Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is perfect compliment to our Yang lifestyles. Yang represents the fast paced, hard, analytical, masculine side to ourselves whereas the Yin draws upon the slow, soft, nurturing yielding and feminine side.
In Yin yoga we hold poses for longer while the body is in a relaxed state and while being fully supported by the yoga props around us. This practice allows us to work much more deeply into the connective tissue of the body rather than the larger muscles, giving us healthier joints and more ease of mobility. As we yield to the longer holds of our Yin poses we begin to explore the more subtle elements of our practice, our internal responses and the fluctuations of the mind.
Class Time: Mondays & Thursdays at 6:45-7:45pm
Yin Rest & Restore Yoga
This 60 minute class is deeply founded in the principles of yoga as a process of compassionate self-inquiry.
This is a Yin style, floor-based practice that is gentle and slow. Stretching, holding, breathing to release tension and encourage rest. A meditative class that helps to increase subtle body awareness and induce the relaxation response.
Avril weaves some psychotherapy principles into her classes as a form of contemplative self-inquiry.
Class Time: Sundays at 5:30-6:30pm with Avril Bastiansz
Every exercise in Pilates is performed with attention to the breath, proper form and alignment, and efficient movement patterns. The exercises are safe, low-impact, and suitable for everyone—from the recently injured to the super fit, young or old, and across all genders. This system of whole-body exercises is designed to help you reach your body’s maximum potential through breath, core strength, concentration, and alignment. It enhances strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, allowing you to move with greater strength, ease, and grace.
All classes are guided by an experienced physiotherapist with over a decade of Pilates expertise.
Zen Strength – Weights Class
Integrative Qigong
Qigong originates from ancient China and dates back 4,000 years. Qi is often translated at ‘life force energy’ and Gong is a general term meaning ‘work’ or ‘skill’. Qigong is based on the premise that the human body is an energy system and that the health of the body and the mind is dependent on a clear, balanced flow of energy (Qi) through the body.
Cultivate a sense of space, awareness, calmness and increased energy into your life.
Our classes consist of slow stretches and gentle flowing movements that focus on alignment of the breath and visualisation, in combination with stillness-based mindful meditation.
All classes are suitable for beginners through to advanced students of yoga.
Yoga Nidra with Sound Healing: Deep Rest and Healing
Immerse yourself in a blissful hour of relaxation and renewal. This class blends the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra—often called “yogic sleep”—with the soothing vibrations of sound healing for a deeply restorative experience.
Yoga Nidra guides you into a meditative serene state between waking and sleeping, where the body can release tension, the mind can quieten, and profound healing can begin. Gentle cues help you scan and relax your body, while visualisations and affirmations encourage a sense of peace and balance.
As you rest comfortably, the resonant tones of singing bowls, chimes, and other instruments envelop you, harmonising your energy and enhancing relaxation.
The first week of each month features sound healing through the meditative art of japa (chanting). These sacred sounds, repeated with intention, create a rhythmic flow that calms the mind and centers the spirit, preparing you for even deeper rest.
Whether you’re seeking to relieve stress, enhance well-being, or simply enjoy a moment of stillness, this session is accessible to all—no prior yoga or meditation experience is needed. Just come as you are, ready to unwind.
***Please note, the first class of the month will be a little different: Japa Chanting and Crystal Bowl Sound Healing. What to expect: 30 minutes of crystal bowl resonance, bathing your senses in the sacred vibrations of sound followed by 30 minutes of chanting mantra. In the words of the Upanishads, “Sound is the original vibration,” and in this sacred hour, we harness sound as a pathway to deeper awareness.
Class time: Friday’s at 12:30-1:30pm with Rachel Hanrahan
Kundalini Meditation
Kundalini Meditation draws on a range of technologies, such as breath, mantra, movement and focus, which enables one to train the mind and develop a deeper awareness of the Self.
‘When we meditate we begin where we are as we are. Then we steadily sharpen our consciousness, clear our mind and strengthen our body; this happens in stages. It doesn’t happen all at once nor can it be forced.’ GuruCharan Singh Khalsa, Phd
This class gives students the opportunity to practice Kundalini meditations, mantra and pranayama at a deeper level. The time period for each meditation, pranayama or mantra, will be from 22 to 31 minutes and physical warm ups will be included to prepare the body for seating.
A short lecture and discussion on the mind, physical body and soul will also be included. The aim of the discussion is to inspire commitment and provide an understanding of this powerful technology, which cleanses the colored lens of our perception and also asks us to align ourselves with our destiny.
Although a class suited for intermediate and advanced Kundalini practitioners, beginners are also welcome to attend.