Yin Yoga 3 Day Intensive | Journey through Earth, Fire, and Cooling Zen Radiance with Rachel Hanrahan

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Yin Yoga 3 Day Intensive | Journey through Earth, Fire, and Cooling Zen Radiance | with Rachel Hanrahan

8:00-9:00pm – 9th-11th January, 2024 – In Studio and Online


Night 1 – Earthen Tranquillity
Connecting with the Grounding Energy of Late Summer –
Earth Element (Late Summer): Grounding yin poses to connect with the Earth element, aligning with the transitional energy of late summer. Emphasize poses that nourish the spleen and stomach meridians, promoting stability and balance.

Night 2 – Firelight Serenity
Igniting Joy and Emotional Balance in the Heart of Summer –
Fire Element (Summer): Dive into yin postures that open the heart and small intestine meridians, reflecting the vibrant energy of summer. Encourage participants to embrace poses that foster joy, love, and emotional equilibrium.

Night 3 – Cooling Zen Radiance
Harmonizing Body and Mind with Yin Renewal in Midsummer
Cooling Yin: Explore yin stretches and cooling poses to balance the intensity of summer heat. Target the liver and gallbladder meridians to support detoxification and release tension.

Kundalini House members attend for FREE.

In Studio 3-day course: $60
Livestream 3-day course: $30
or pay with Casual Passes, Packs & Memberships

Join us for 1 class, or all!

BOOK in the Studio or BOOK Livestream for the full 3 days

BOOK in the Studio or BOOK LiveStream for Tuesday
BOOK in the Studio or BOOK LiveStream for Wednesday
BOOK in the Studio or BOOK LiveStream for Thursday

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