Shamanic Journeying

Crystal Dreaming: a profound Shamanic Journeying technique

In the Journey, participants travel through the careful map of Crystal Dreaming multidimensional states of consciousness.

Shamanic Journeying: Crystal Healing is a journey unique to each individual, it effectively is a clearing of the energy body.  Participants travel through the careful map of Crystal Dreaming multidimensional states of consciousness.  Once clear, clients in Shamanic journeys can access the “Superconscious”, experiencing firsthand their own Divine Presence and absolute bliss.

In your Crystal Dreaming journey, the “journey” relates to the ongoing process as your concepts of self and worldview may undergo a profound change as a result of this guided practice.

The technology that has been initiated and taught to Rachel, utilizes a crystalline mandala. Rachel was taught by Raym Richards.

What can I expect from a Shamanic Journeying experience?

shamanic journeying Crystal Dreaming®

Expect the unexpected.  Each shamanic journey is unique to the individual.

Crystal Dreaming is a holistic framework characterized by an intentional change in consciousness.  Crystal Dreaming is a shamanic technology (set of practices) to explore unknown aspects of our psyche, the world around us, the internal and external mysteries.

Rachel is guiding you and communicating with you at all times as you enter a Transcendent shamanic state of consciousness. Through a Crystal Dreaming session with Rachel, you will be gently guided in a safe and supportive journey to awaken your true nature as a divine being of light. The process assists to release any blockages or resistances that are preventing you from accessing a state of bliss and oneness.

How can a Shamanic Journey help?

Shamanic Journeying

Most clients attend as they are feeling stuck in their life or have tried other healing modalities without much success.  As we access the Superconscious the possibilities are endless as are the reasons for journeying.

Through accessing shamanic states of consciousness the process clears anything that presents in the energetic body that prevents accessing a state of bliss. The process can rapidly resolve emotions, cognitions and physical ailments and behaviour often associated with trauma. Crystal Dreaming is a shamanic technology to create disciplined interaction with spirits in non-ordinary reality to help and heal self. The process addresses the spiritual side of illness in a complementary relationship with the nonspiritual treatment of illness and injury.

More information on the technique and the creator: global healing

Preparations and Conditions for Crystal Dreaming Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic Journeying Crystal Dreaming®

Crystal Dreaming® is a drug free, no touch shamanic healing process, you remain fully clothed and fully conscious.

To participate in a journey:

  • you must be 18 years old or over.
  • You must be in stable mental condition.
  • Sessions are not offered to pregnant women
  • Please be aware you cannot take the shamanic journey if you have taken any recreational drugs in the past two weeks or hard drugs in the past four weeks.
  • It is best to avoid over consumption of caffeine prior to your journey and eat lightly before your session.
  • It is helpful to minimise commitments post crystal dreaming shamanic journey session, take time out for you.

Our Practitioner

rachel hanrahan yoga teacher melbourne

Rachel Hanrahan

Investment & Bookings


Crystal Dreaming Shamanic Journey
$333/275 concession
Each session is up to 1.5 hours and an individual integration flower essence.
Express Session: $88

Terms and Conditions:
Payments are via PayPal or bank transfer.

All Crystal Dreaming sessions are held at Kundalini House on Sundays.

Book a 15 minute discovery call to chat all things Crystal Dreaming Shamanic Journeys
and answer any questions you may have about the journey.
Book here

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Please view our cancellation policy.

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