Tantric Hatha Yoga 5 Day Intensive | Expansion through Ancient Techniques with Whitney

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Tantric Hatha Yoga 5 Day Intensive | Expansion through Ancient Techniques with Whitney Cummins

9:30am-10:45am – 9-13th January 2023

Moon Sun and Fire Sadhanas

Breaking down the Sanskrit of Tantra into its two parts: TAN is to stretch, expand, and accelerate and TRA is to move beyond limits, to protect.  Tantra isn’t a passive path, instead it is one that invites us to weave our sacred life with the mundane; and Hatha translates into force – a path for those wishing to use time-tested techniques to move towards their desires in life with vigor.

Yoga has always been a system for self-mastery, far beyond just relaxation. In Tantric Hatha we lean into the moon, sun, and fire sadhanas based on the 7 stages of progression of the ancient text, the Gheranda Samhita.  In moon, we ground and steady ourselves; in sun, we discover and call upon the light of awareness; and in fire, we burn our limiting beliefs and hone in our innate power into expansiveness.

The Hatha structure of asana, bandha, mantra, pranayama and meditation will all be included through the powerful worldview of Tantra as a way to fully embody this life.

Take a deep dive into enriching your understanding of a personal practice and how the ancient techniques of tantra and yoga can magnify and illuminate your life on and off the mat.


In Studio 5-day course: $100
Livestream 5-day course: $80

Casual Passes, Packs & Memberships available

Kundalini House members attend for FREE.

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