Alison Lasek
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Untitled design – 3
Alison Lasek
Sat Nam, I’m Alison.
I fell in love with Kundalini yoga from my first class. I had been practicing other styles for years, bouncing from one studio to the next, never quite finding my place. As soon as I tried Kundalini, I noticed incredible shifts in my mood and energy. It was exactly what I’d been searching for to support my busy life and busy mind.
I was inspired to continue and I developed a committed daily practice (Sadhana). I noticed if I hadn’t practiced by 3pm I’d be irritable and anxious. So I rarely missed a day, for myself and the people I loved. I never could have anticipated how this would completely change my life. My practice connected me to my intuition, gave me faith that the universe has my back, and showed me that I’m divinely guided. This allowed me to quit drinking, release anxiety, stop people-pleasing and make radical life changes to align with my soul – including the confidence to become an astrologer and a Kundalini yoga teacher. Wow wow wow!
My teacher training was in Rishikesh, India with Gurmukh in 2023. It was an amazing, challenging, immersive, transformative experience I’ll never forget and would recommend to anyone. Please feel free to ask me more about this.
People love my classes because they help you come home to your most authentic self (your truth). They are often aligned with the current astrology to amplify the impact.
Favourite quote: “When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.” – Shakti Gawain I’ve been teaching since: 2023
My website: https://alisonlasekastrology.com/
Avril Bastiansz
Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Avril Bastiansz
I love to teach. I love to learn.
I am a teacher of Yoga & Vedanta and teach with the highest end-goal in mind – Yoga, as a Pathway to the Self. Yoga to me is experiential and transformative. A self- practice which leads us to discover who we are and why we are here, through a continuous process of ever increasing self-awareness & expansion of consciousness.
Yoga is a way of Being, Becoming & Belonging. A practical psychology as the Indian philosopher, Sri Aurobindo called it. I trained in Hatha Yoga. My own personal practice led me to explore yoga philosophy & meditation and to become a teacher and initiator of Vedic Mantra Meditation. I have also trained in Himalayan Kundalini Kriya Yoga & Mental Health Aware Yoga.
Aside from my yoga trainings, I am a qualified Counsellor & Psychotherapist and Clinical Nutritionist. I enjoy bringing all of these with my own life experiences together to enhance my work and teachings. In my classes, workshops and retreats, I aim to integrate all 8-limbs of the Yoga Sutras of Pathanjali with all the elements of practice & philosophy to provide a transformative experience and empower the student.”
Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self to the Self ~ The Bhagavad Gita
Website : www.avrilbastiansz.com
Social Media : @Avrilbastianszbecomeyou
Billie Atherstone
Yoga, Meditation &
Trauma Recovery Yoga Teacher
Billie Atherstone
A big, warm hello, you may see me around Kundalini House quite a lot because I am one of the owners of the business. What I really love, though, is teaching Yoga & Meditation, as well as specialty classes such as Yoga for the Recovery of Trauma. I am also a Kinesiology and Bowen practitioner in the clinic.
I started practicing yoga because I was searching for a practice that integrated the theories, concepts and knowledge of my health science studies into a direct experience. And I was inspired to continue because I knew I was being held back by deep seated core beliefs and behaviours that didn’t serve me. Yoga & Meditation gave me the tools to be able to heal on a very deep level as well as awaken a strength, energy and creativity that gave me the confidence to accept and embrace myself as well as being able to consciously connect and communicate with others and life with much more ease.
My training in kundalini yoga, yoga therapy and in natural health and healing has given me the tools to meet people where they’re at and be able to help guide or simply create the space and awareness needed, to embark on the journey of discovering who they are. It doesn’t need to be complicated. By connecting to the breath and listening in you may begin to untangle the body and mind and discover your subtle and peaceful nature.
People love my classes because I encourage them to build on their inner world, without judgement, so they can make sense of things and begin to realise that they can create the change they need to feel healthy and at peace. My classes can be strong and they can be gentle – I like to teach according to the seasons, the energy of the group and in a way to help clear body blocks, strengthen the body and most importantly, to develop a relationship to the mind.
Favourite quote…
“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. Choosing authenticity means cultivating the courage to be imperfect, to set boundaries, and to allow ourselves to be vulnerable; exercising the compassion that comes from knowing that we are all made of strength and struggle” Brene Brown
I started teaching yoga in 2003 and teach yoga, meditation and health recovery programs. I am a Teacher Trainer and am a part of the Yoga Therapy teaching faculty team with Dr Shanti Shanti Kaur whilst continuing my yoga therapy training.
Chrissy Clarke
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher
Chrissy Clarke
Heya, you’ll see me around Kundalini House guiding regular Vinyasa Flow classes and I also occasionally cover Hatha and Yin Yoga.
I started practicing Yoga because I was struggling with self-worth, my busy mind and I felt overwhelmed by the demands of modern life. Attending regular Yoga classes provided me with an opportunity to check in and connect with myself by creating union between my mind, body and breath.
I was inspired to continue because Yoga offered me a new lens to view the world and a different way of relating to myself. As I continued attending many different classes I was introduced to Yogic philosophy and the practice of mindfulness. I noticed the physiological benefits of a regular Yoga practice as it helped me regulate my nervous system and I always felt amazing after class. I fell in love and was eager to learn more, which lead me to do my teacher training in 2016.
My training was completed in the magical Yoga hub of Ubud (Bali) with Cat Kabria and it was an incredibly transformative experience where I learned to guide Vinyasa, Hatha, and Yin Yoga. I then went on to do further training with Patrick Beach and Carling Harps. I am also trained as a Yoga Therapist through the Yoga Therapy Institute and I am currently studying Psychotherapy & Counselling.
People love my classes because they are accessible, inclusive and inviting. I always weave in a theme plus an anatomical focus to each practice. My classes are a fusion of dynamic movement to challenge your strength, flexibility and balance with space for stillness and relaxation. Each pose is offered with lots of instructions and options to encourage you to explore and honour your body. Students often tell me they enjoy my sequencing, soothing voice and curated playlists.
Favourite quote (or your wise words)…
“it was when I stopped searching for home within others
and lifted the foundations of home within myself
I found there were no roots more intimate
than those between a mind and body
that have decided to be whole.”
― Rupi Kaur
I’ve been teaching since 2016.
My website:
You can find me on Instagram @chrissy.sunshine.yoga
David Moore
SMART Yoga Teacher
David Moore
Hi, you will see me teaching SMART Yoga that draws on the Alexander Technique at Kundalini House.
I started practicing yoga because I wanted to gain more flexibility and coordination. And I was inspired to continue because it made me feel good and over the years I got much more into the underlying philosophy and the meditative side of the practice.
I practiced yoga and meditation for 20 years before I started teaching. I spent two years in Madras studying with TKV Desikachar, four years in Sydney studying Iyengar yoga with Martin Jackson, two years in Thailand studying and practicing Buddhist meditation and three years of full-time study of Alexander technique teaching which underlies my approach to yoga practice.
People love my asana classes because I bring my skills as an Alexander technique teacher to the practice, providing precise guidance and modifications to suit individual variations.
My favourite quote is: “Trying is only emphasising the thing we know already” F.M. Alexander
I’ve been teaching since 1985.
My website: https://www.alexanderschool.edu.au/david-moore
Dharamjot Khalsa
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Dharamjot Khalsa
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Sat Nam I am Dharamjot Kaur Khalsa, you will see me around Kundalini House if you are an early bird in the Yoga Studio.
I started practicing Kundalini Yoga more than 15 years ago inspired by Billie Atherstone. I was one of the first Kundalini Yoga teachers at Kundalini House when it opened in 2006 before leaving to travel to Central Coast NSW to complete Gestalt Therapy training and then to Malaysia where I have been living for the past 11 years teaching Kundalini Yoga to beginners, pregnant women, experienced students and as part of a team to train teachers.
Kundalini Yoga helped me transform so much that I love to share the feeling of Kundalini Yoga to students who are interested in transformation.
People love my classes because I bring a feeling of lightness and I try not to speak too much as I trust that you are guided by your own soul. Yoga is a special time for you to foster that connection.
Yoga and Being is a practice. I encourage you to take that practice off the mat.
I have been teaching and practicing Kundalini Yoga since 2005 and I bring the experience of being a Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer, Advanced Diploma of Gestalt Therapy (2008), Family Constellation facilitator and Certified WILDFIT coach.
It is a blessing to be a Teacher, Coach and Therapist to hold the space for you to trust and deepen your very own connection with the Infinite.
My website is https://www.dharamjot.com/
Georgia Kelly
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Georgia Kelly
I started practicing yoga because… my life’s first passion was dance, I trained as a dancer for many years until a traumatic event left me feeling burnt out with little energy to give to such a demanding discipline. However, as movement has always been at the core of my soul expression, I slowly but surely turned to yoga. I still love to dance, but yoga has changed my relationship to my body and mind for the better.
I was inspired to continue because… I became a teacher! Personally, I love to create structures in my life that hold me accountable and ensure I keep up healthy habits. Becoming a teacher was my way of not only deepening my personal practice and sharing it with others, but also weaving it further into the fabric of my life.
I completed my 200hour Yoga Teacher Training with Nicole Walsh at her Sydney studio, InYoga. I practiced as a dedicated student at InYoga for four years before taking the leap to do my teacher training there as well, the studio already felt like a second home, so it was all very kismet!
I read the energy of my students in order to help them elevate their practice and feel empowered in their lives. My classes have a strong focus on healthy alignment and expressing tenderness and love to the body. I see yoga as a way to lavish ourselves with the care we deserve in order to go out into the world and actively improve it for the benefit of all beings.
Favourite quote… “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
I have been teaching for four years.
Jill Atherstone
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Jill Atherstone
Hello from my yoga studio in Bundalaguah, where I live and practice. My beautiful daughters Billie and Pip have invited me to join the Kundalini House virtual yoga classes.
I started practicing Kundalini Yoga in 2002, when I visited Billie in London and she said I must try this new class she was attending…. and I am still practicing and now teaching Kundalini Yoga!
I was inspired to continue and began to practice regularly in Melbourne. When I realised there were no Kundalini Yoga classes in Gippsland where I live, I organised some Kundalini yoga workshops with Billie teaching, at our local Bundy Hall. We all enjoyed them so much but it was a long way for Billie to come so my friends begged me to train as a teacher so they could have more regular classes. So in 2016 I trained in Melbourne with the inspiring teachers under Guru Jivan, and of course Billie’s help from Kundalini House.
People love my classes because I am passionate about the teachings of yoga and help them to improve their health and vitality through regular practice! “Make a decision and make it right! It doesn’t matter what you decide, just put your energy in to it and make it work for you” Regular yoga practice, or morning sadhana is the best decision I ever made. It sets me up for good health and fitness and inspires my life.
I have been teaching since 2016 and I love it, and welcome anyone to my classes on Zoom, and when we are able, to my home studio too.
My website is https://www.infinitycottage.com/ where you will find more about Kundalini yoga with Jill.
Joanna Nation
Yin & Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Qi Gong Teacher
Joanna Nation
Joanna Teaches Yin, Kundalini and Qi Gong At Kundalini House
I’m looking forward to meeting you (if we haven’t already) and hello. You’ll see me around Kundalini House teaching Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga and Qi Gong. I’ve found all three have contributed in some way to my own well-being and I love being able to share these styles and their techniques with others.
I started practicing yoga because I was looking for an activity to alleviate the stress of year 12 studies at the time. Little did I know that I’d fall in love with how it made me feel and have been practicing for more than half my life now. Yoga, meditation and movement practices guide me to self-awareness and self-acceptance.
Holding a degree in Health Science, a diploma in Counselling and currently undertaking a 3-year course to become a certified Kundalini Yoga Therapist, I am very curious about and committed to holistic healing and health. These studies plus training in Yoga Anatomy, Hatha, Kundalini, Yin, Trauma-informed, Meditation and Qi Gong (over the past 10+ years) have led me to the integration of eastern traditions with western medicine, and I teach utilising my considered understanding of our physical, physiological, and energetic realms of being. Continually absorbing as a student allows me to bring an authentic depth of knowledge to my classes as a facilitator- my wish is to provide a nurturing, uplifting space for individual understanding of ourselves; our emotions, behaviours and patterns can be safely observed and (when required) transformed through movement, meditation, mantra and breath work.
People love my classes because I often draw on a connection with nature and I provide explanations that are easy to understand along with concepts that can be both poetic and profound in their self-exploration. I encourage gentle enquiry to self throughout the journey of a class. I am there as a guide to allow the student an experience; my approach is grounded, effective and intuitive.
Daily moments of connection and self-love, that a regular practice provides, brings clarity amongst the noise so crucial in remaining with truth, tenderness and the ability to be in reciprocal relationship with others and our environment.
I’d like to share this quote from Sidney Nolan, an Australian artist, on the constant flux of existence,
“The thing is to try and find a paradise in the process of evolving all the time”,
which to me speaks of conjuring inner peace and acceptance consistently through the changes and seasons of our lives.
Teaching Hatha Yoga since 2013, Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong from the beginning of 2017 and Yin Yoga from 2020, I’m happy knowing I will always be learning and providing a place for others to grow and learn as well.
Julia-Rose Gribble
Pre Natal Yoga Teacher
Julia-Rose Gribble
Hi, you’ll see me around Kundalini House teaching Prenatal Yoga.
I started practicing yoga as an aid for reducing stress and anxiety.
I was inspired to continue because I felt compelled to find more of an equilibrated state of being, by inviting yogic practices and teachings into my daily life. Yoga greatly supported me throughout my pregnancies, and this, along with my experience as a school teacher, energises a particular passion for holding space and educating pregnant women on the benefits of yoga, empowering them to trust their bodies and innate capabilities.
My evolving yoga practice and life experiences led to a greater desire to pursue further training and learning what centres women. I have a particular interest in cyclic living and am passionate to share and support others in honouring this way of moving and being.
My training was insightful and empowering, however my real learning started when supporting women with movement and breath practices, learning more about their individual needs on and off the mat.
People love my classes because they offer a balance of dynamic movement, breathwork and meditation, whilst drawing on relevant information related to pregnancy, labour, birth, pelvic health, matresence, motherhood and cyclic living.
Favourite quote:
“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves.
I’ve been teaching since 2019, and am trained in Vinyasa (350 hours), Pre/Postnatal (50 hours), Yin (50 hours) and Women-Centred (75 hours)
My Instagram: @yogawithjuliarose
Lu Orona
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher
Lu Orona
Hi, I’m Lu and you’ll see me around Kundalini House guiding Vinyasa classes.
I started practicing yoga in 2016, out of curiosity, to try something new and after finding it “boring” for the first few classes I started to discover how the practice was a gateway to go inwards, to connect to myself.
I was inspired to continue because the practice kept growing on myself and I started to feel more grounded and open hearted when practiced regularly. Yoga would also allow me to navigate life challenging situations. During my pregnancy yoga was supporting me all the way to giving birth, and my son was born in Ardha Uttanasana.
In my experience, yoga is expansive, It’s love, It’s connection, It’s intuition, it’s acceptance, it comes from your soul. I trust yoga will make this world a better place. After being a student for several years, there was a craving to deepen my practice and to learn more about the Yogic philosophy. That’s when I decided to undertake my Yoga Teacher Training. My training at Pranaa House with Julie Gargano was an extremely transformative experience. During the 12 months course (350 hrs) training I learnt about the rich traditions of the practice and its roots. People love my classes because they are fluid and reflective. I hold space for yogis to tune into their own bodies. There is physical strength and flowing sequences which allows us to move with power and intensity while remaining soft, aware and fully present.
Favourite quote: “May our minds surrender to the wisdom of our hearts” I’ve been teaching since 2023
My Instagram: @awarenessrevolutionyoga
Mary Papadopoulos
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Mary Papadopoulos
I started practicing yoga about 15 years ago because I needed something to alleviate chronic stress and anxiety. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon Kundalini Yoga and Qigong about 7 years ago that I noticed huge shifts in my emotional, physical and mental health. As I continued to practice I felt more freedom, vitality and clarity.
I was inspired to continue because practices such as Kundalini Yoga, Qigong and Meditation offered me an outlet, wisdom and tools that to this day support me to find peace and resilience.
I undertook my training in Kundalini Yoga in 2019 with Billie Atherstone, not expecting to teach in front of a class but to deepen my own understanding and practice, however I enjoyed it so much that I have been teaching ever since. I am also an accredited Meditation teacher & Modern Qigong practitioner. I am continuing my educational training in the field of trauma and yoga therapy.
People love my classes because they’re inclusive of all abilities and varied. I also make people feel at ease, safe and we have a bit of a laugh along the way.
My favourite quote is
“If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou
I’ve been teaching Kundalini Yoga and Modern Qigong since 2019.
My Instagram handle is pause_andeffect
Prem Kavalya
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Prem Kavalya
Hello sweet souls, you’ll see me around Kundalini House teaching some yoga and singing some mantras.
I started practicing when I was 21 and had moved to Australia from New Zealand.
After a lifetime of dance, this shift gave way to a new form of embodiment and deeper self-enquiry. Through journeying with addiction and eating disorders I was pulled into the descent – to soul, to heal my/our collective wounds in hope to find a stillness within the almost unbearable reality I was inhabiting.
Yoga was a window into a world I had not yet seen.
My training was here in Melbourne with Karam Kriya school (an ashram based in Portugal). These studies went over a course of 18 months.
My intention for my classes is to create a space to come home to one’s own heart, a container to feel ones depth, and an opportunity to let go of limiting patterns and blockages in our bodies and minds – in the movement towards liberation.
My prayer is for soul to come fully alive in each of us, and – lead us to a life of deeper meaning and wholeheartedness.
“The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe” Joanna Macy
Ravi Shiva (Benji)
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Ravi Shiva (Benji)
Sat Nam! My name is Ravi Shiva (or also known as Benji). I started practicing Kundalini Yoga a few years ago to accelerate my yogic and spiritual practices and Kundalini Yoga seemed to be the perfect package. I was inspired to continue my devotion because nearly immediately I felt a very large energetic shift in my body and a strong lifestyle change soon followed.
I was amazed by the power of dedicated breath work, chanting, yogic postures and meditation in such a short period of time; I was finally seeing and feeling my true self.
My teacher training was life changing. I completed Kundalini Teacher Training with the RAMA Institute in Mallorca, Spain in April 2023, and my most recent teacher training with Gurmukh in Rishikesh, India November 2023. I have also completed 300hr Meditation Teacher training in Bali, Indonesia with Punnu Wassu.
People love my classes because I will push you. I take a strong and devoted class, and I will take you past your limitations in a safe and accommodating environment.
Some wise words that I have held on to is to always recognize the other person is you, and to remember we are just walking each other home. I have been teaching since December 2023.
My website: www.instagram.com/_g0tt
Rachel Hanrahan
Hatha Yoga, Restorative Yoga, iRest for Recovery Teacher
Rachel Hanrahan
Welcome to Kundalini House. You’ll see me around teaching restorative yoga, hatha yoga, sacred rest workshops, iRest yoga nidra meditation and offering shamanic healing sessions in the clinic.
I started practicing yoga because I found myself lost, confused and seeking an alternative to the world I found myself in. I was in a dark place, extremely depressed and unhealthy and something needed to change for my health and wellbeing.
I was inspired to continue because yoga practice felt like a sanctuary and the calmer and more grounded I felt after I experienced practice was changing my life for the better. My relationships were healthier; my skin was clearer, my energy levels increased and I began to feel comfortable with myself and in my skin and my anxiety attacks from PTSD were becoming non-existent.
My training in yoga has given me the tools to embody the practices and share with others. I have been blessed to train in many traditions and yogic styles with my present main influences being Dr. Richard Miller, Judith Hanson Lasater, Donna Farhi and my somatic movement teacher Martha Peterson.
I am a certified Hatha Yoga teacher, certified Prenatal yoga teacher and birth attendant, Sacred Female Yoga teacher, iRest yoga nidra certified instructor, Sound Healing Facilitator and Level 1 Somatic Movement Educator.
People love my classes because I am sharing practices that have been gifted to me and I am blessed to share. My classes are creative and innovative. I teach with compassion, clarity and a sense of humour. I am passionate about supporting individuals to find a sense of inner peace and stillness in the midst of the challenges and tensions of contemporary life.
Favourite quote (or your wise words)…
Yoga is a process of deconstructing all the barriers we may have erected that prevent us from having an authentic connection with ourselves and with the world. Yoga is a process of unbinding our limited ideas about ourselves and becoming free…Donna Farhi.
Year that I started teaching: 2004
Rachel is a certified trauma informed yoga teacher and iRest yoga nidra meditation teacher with the Integrative Restoration Institute (USA). iRest Yoga Nidra is an effective, researched based program to reduce symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and in chemical dependency recovery.
Rhonda Weatherby
Hatha & Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Trauma Recovery Yoga Teacher
Rhonda Weatherby
Hi and welcome, My name is Rhonda, you’ll see me around Kundalini house teaching Hatha, Kundalini and Yin Yoga.
I started practicing yoga in the late 1990’s because I was curious as to what this new thing was called ‘Yoga’.
I was inspired to continue because it connected me with my spirit, and allowed me to dwell within. I noticed it helped me greatly with anxiety, phobias, trauma and mental dis-ease I had suffered prior to my trainings. It has truly changed my life in every way possible.
My training started in 2011, with 500 hours of Hatha Teacher Training at The Byron Yoga Centre under the tutelage of John Ogilvie. In 2014 I completed 50 hours of Yin Teacher Training with Jo Phee. I then ventured into 220 hours of Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training – Level 1 in 2015, at The Centre for Life, on the Gold Coast which is accredited by the Kundalini Research Institute.
This training has given me the tools to share what I have learnt, what I have experienced and what I know, in the hope it will help others to gain peace and release from stress.
People love my classes because I cater to all levels of experience and all body types. I bring a sense of warmth, humour and heart to my classes and I revel in inspiring others towards simplicity in their practices. I love to guide people towards connecting with their spirit and the stillness within the practices of mindfulness, meditation and breathing techniques in combination with postures.
Favourite quote (or your wise words)… “Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light” Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga
Number of years teaching – Rhonda has been teaching Hatha since 2011, Yin Yoga since 2014 and Kundalini Yoga since 2015.
Rhonda is a certified Trauma-informed Yoga Teacher of Kundalini Yoga (Level 1) and Hatha Yoga (E-RYT500). She has been practicing and teaching Yoga for the past 7 years. Completing her studies in ‘Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Therapy’ and ‘Kundalini Yoga for the Support of Trauma Recovery’ in 2017. Rhonda intends to inspire and facilitate a safe and non-judgmental space in which to offer the practice of Kundalini Yoga for the support of PTSD.
Rhonda’s qualifications include:
Kundalini Yoga for the Support of Trauma Recovery
Yoga Outreach Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training
Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga 20 hour certificate
Hatha Yoga Teacher 500 ERYT
Yin Yoga Teacher 50 hour
Samantha Battisti
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Hi there!
You’ll see me around Kundalini House teaching Hatha Flow on the weekends.
I started practicing Yoga in 2014. Back then I’d been walking down the wrong life path and inevitably began to lose sight of my true essence. I searched for ways to get me back on track, and when I discovered Yoga, I got all that and more. Taking time to get out of my mind and in touch with my body and breath brought a lot of healing my way. I began to understand the connection between the seemingly separate entities of the body, mind and spirit; and when I felt it for myself, there was no going back. Yoga quickly became my tool of choice for navigating this hectic game we call life.
I believe Yoga is a practice that keeps on giving, with a lifetime of learning ahead once you begin, so my inspiration to continue grows stronger everyday, just as I do.
My training was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life so far. Although I was confronted with my deepest fears and insecurities, I was taught how to use them as fuel to be able to stand up and guide the way for others from a place of empathy and kindness, and be an example to those wishing the same for themselves in their own unique way.
I completed my 200hr Teacher Training with Yoga Flame in 2019 and have been teaching ever since.
People love my classes because there is no pressure to do or be anything that doesn’t feel right in the moment. I keep things light hearted and provide a safe space for my students to have their own experience within themselves on their mat. My classes are creative and carefully curated and will leave you feeling fresh and in the flow with life.
One of my favourite things I say in almost every class is that “it’s Yoga practice, not Yoga perfect”. You don’t need to have a perfectly shaped Downward Dog or be able to stand on your hands to experience the magic of the practice, and I think that’s the most important thing to remember.
Looking forward to flowing with you!
Shilpa Naraini
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Shilpa Naraini
Yoga made me realise that the human body can do wonders if we know how to connect our body and mind and my training played an important role in that sense. Sure, our body is mortal, but yoga is a way to level up your soul to have connection with the divine.
People love my classes because I try to include the essence of every part of yoga in one session. My classes usually start with grounding, flow with breath and end up in tranquillity.
My favourite quote is from the Bhagavat Geeta where Krishna says that every time we experience fear, we must remember that at the same time there is something fearless inside us too. Every time we doubt there is part of us that is doubtless. Every time we are sad there is a part of us that is still happy.
I’ve been teaching since 2020.
Wallis Murphy-Munn
Yoga Teacher
Wallis Murphy-Munn
Hello there, you’ll see me around Kundalini House on Mondays at 1230pm for a Hatha style flow class. I experienced my first yoga class when I was 12. My mum took me to her 2 hour Hatha class and I thought it was totally weird but I still remember the visceral feeling of our 20 minute savasana. It was magical. Yoga has always been a part of my life in some form but my practice grew exponentially when I became a teacher in 2012. Originally trained in the Barkan Method which has its basis in Hatha, I went on to train in Yin and Vinyasa.
People love my classes because they create a steady and stable feeling in the body. They are slow and mindful focusing on alignement. The class can be challenging for your strength and mobility and yet there are always options to pair back if you wish. One of my favourite quotes is from Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj “The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.” This has been my experience in life so far.
You can find me online at www.massageyoga.com.au and come and join me for a 1:1 Massoga® at Kundalini House on Monday afternoons. I look forward to meeting you on the mat soon.
Whitney Cummins
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Whitney Cummins
Hello soulful beings, you’ll see me around Kundalini House guiding a Hatha flow or Yin class from time to time.
I started practicing yoga when I was 19 because a friend dragged me to go (I was definitely reluctant at first, but trusted this dear friend). I remember being confused by the poses, but amazed by conscious breathing and savasana. I then found myself wishing to know more and carving out time in my schedule to go to classes.
I was inspired to continue because I began to live abroad and teach English as a second language; moving from country to country became chaotic and I needed a centering point, a place to come to home to. And now I continue for the space I can enter in practice, in stillness; the burdenless space.
My training has been an interesting journey that I had never even imagined. What started out in Rishikesh, India as a deeper inquiry into yoga for my personal practice. turned into stepping stones of curiosity that continue to appear before me. Since then I’ve studied a plethora of yogic styles and topics but in particular I feel drawn to Tantric Hatha, Yoga Nidra, mantra and pranayama.
People love my classes because the breath is the main focus, I see yoga as an energetic practice and my voice can soothe the soul.
Favourite quote: “Follow your bliss” -Joseph Campbell
I’ve been teaching since 2019.
My website: