Relationship counselling

Placenta Encapsulation and The Politics of Birth: Who Holds the Power in Birth? by Anna Papadakis

As someone who has worked as a body-centered therapist and a doula for years, I am passionate about supporting people strengthen their connection to their innate wisdom and authority. This means connecting to our body and to nature itself. Our bodies hold an incredible amount of knowledge and strength, but it's not easy to stay [...]

Postnatal Planning: Essential Tips for a Smoother Transition by Anna Papadakis

Preparing for a baby's arrival often focuses heavily on the birth itself, but planning for the postnatal period is equally crucial. We often underestimate the profound physical, mental, and emotional impact of carrying and birthing a baby. Did you know it takes about two years for a woman’s body to fully recover from pregnancy and [...]

Why Talking Is the Key To Having Better Sex. And Where Do We Start? by Lee Beaton

One of the dilemmas of our modern way of living is the silencing of our emotions. Seeing them as inconvenient - we are encouraged to clamp down on our feelings, or even encouraged to see them as a problem.  What if I were to tell you that our emotions and our felt sense in the [...]

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