
Healing Sounds for Well-being: 5-day intensive

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Healing Sounds for Well-being Sound is the medicine of the future. Ancient cultures have used sound for healing for at least 40,000 years - Australian Aborigines, Egyptian and Babylonian cultures. Pythagoras was credited as the first person to use ‘Music as Medicine’ circa 500 BCE and during the Greco-Roman era stonewalled temples were used to [...]

Sound Bath Meditation With Sally Hutchison

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Sound Bath Meditation with Sally Hutchison Immerse yourself in sound. The techniques used can induce a deep state of relaxation and effect change on every level of your being – physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual, and this leads to balance and self-healing. It’s an amazing and powerful process. Harmonises the nervous system Induces deep [...]

Kirtan with Sun Hyland

Join us for an evening of blissful kirtan inspired by the mantras of Kundalini Yoga and the Sikh tradition. Singing the mantras of Kundalini Yoga is a powerful way of accessing the healing power of sound and vibration. These mantras have a very powerful, crystal clear energy that is truly wonderful.   Let this wonderful [...]

Gong Bath with Dhyan Simran

Gong Bath with Dhyan Simran The Gong is the most sublime instrument of the yogi. It has the ability to induce a deep meditative state, it is a powerful tool to surrender the mind into a state of shunya or nothingness. “The Gong works on all levels to heal and transform, from the purely physical, [...]

Gong Bath with Dhyan Simran

Gong Bath with Dhyan Simran The Gong is the most sublime instrument of the yogi. It has the ability to induce a deep meditative state, it is a powerful tool to surrender the mind into a state of shunya or nothingness. “The Gong works on all levels to heal and transform, from the purely physical, [...]

Gong Bath with Dhyan Simran

Gong Bath With Dhyan Simran Come join us for a journey of purification, healing and transformation. The evening will begin with Kundalini Yoga, Breath Awareness and Meditation The perfect formula for deep relaxation and restoration. The Gong facilitates the moment of prana to heal the body. The sound of the Gong alone can promote a [...]

Building a language around movement – Workshop With Gav Barbey

Building a language around movement workshop with Gav Barbey Saturday 16th January 2021   In this workshop we we travel the body, the physical, the imaginative and the ephemeral body—through breath, movement and enquiry we will look at creating a language both pictorial (based upon movement) and written (based upon sound)   Utilising the traditions of [...]

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