Mental Attitudes

Overcoming addiction: SuperHealth®, a Sadhu named Mukta, and an Enchanted Desert

It was registration day.  I had looked forward to travelling to Rishikesh, India, to study the Kundalini Yoga Level 2 component, Authentic Relationships.  I stared at the screen in front of me – India: yoga paradise. What happened next is still a mystery to me, but it was to change my life forever. I unexpectantly [...]

Sunshine, I salute thee!

Sun salutes strengthen and lengthen all the major muscle groups and bring deeper focus to the act of breathing.  Each movement is coupled with the breath in a sun salutation. This means we get the chance to really focus on deeply inhaling and exhaling while we move. The benefits of bringing breath consciously into and [...]

The Teachers Favourite: fully supported forward bend

Written by Nina Isabella This continues to be one of my favourite postures.  Deeply restorative, nourishing and refreshing; for me time spent in a fully supported forward bend is the chai of my yoga practice! I encourage all women to immerse often into the delights of supported forward bends.  Regularly spend time in the stillness [...]

Protect your inner environment….as carbon taxes you!

With the carbon tax approaching and the continuous presence of carbon emissions in the media we can’t help but see the word ‘carbon’ as ‘bad’ or ‘toxic’.  It got me thinking about carbon dioxide within the body.  It is often perceived as being ‘toxic’ for the human body, but how true is this? Carbon dioxide [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:18:55+11:00August 9th, 2012|Mental Attitudes, Yoga & Meditation|1 Comment

Manage Anxiety with Hypnotherapy

In Australia Anxiety is ranked higher than any other mental health condition and sadly it’s on the rise.  12 per cent of females and 7.1 per cent of males have been diagnosed as having anxiety. Imagine how many more amongst us suffer this common ailment? How often do you find yourself simply halted by that [...]

Meditation and How Long Should I Practice for?

The Power of Commitment in Meditation Meditation is a practice of transformation, offering a way to cleanse the mind, shift habits, and cultivate inner stillness. It allows us to witness our thoughts without attachment, creating space for greater clarity and balance. Many wisdom traditions emphasize the importance of consistency in meditation, as regular practice strengthens [...]

Stress, anxiety, our mental health and the science of Hypnotherapy

Winter is on our doorstep.  Sunshine’s’ Vitamin D is depleting . The days are shorter , the nights longer and this can make us feel more stressed, and less balanced than we would like to feel.  To add  to this, the “quickening” pressure of 2012, which finds us constantly rushing or cramming often too much [...]

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