Service Review

Yoga Therapy & Chronic Illness – by Joanna Nation

Living with a chronic illness takes a toll on us physically, but also mentally and emotionally, affecting our ability to live life the way we want. Pain, poor sleep, inflammation, mental health challenges, loss of self and identity are some aspects to consider working with. Kundalini Yoga as a therapy offers tools and techniques to [...]

A Collaborative Care Model & Yoga Therapy – by Joanna Nation

If it takes a village to raise a baby, perhaps we can use the same train of thought to consider that it takes a team of health practitioners to assist one individual’s healing journey living with chronic illness. Below I discuss the concept and need for an integrative model of healthcare in our society, that [...]

How does Chinese Medicine work?

“Tong Ze Bu Tong; Bu Tong Ze Tong” Huang Di Nei Jing  “If there is free flow, there is no pain; if there is pain, there is lack of free flow.”   In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi (air or fluid) is stimulated at specific Acupuncture points to create a balanced flow throughout the body, this is said to balance the Yin and Yang of the body and create a smooth flow of [...]

Moon Centers – Siri Hari

Do you feel that sometimes you are so powerful you can conquer the world while other times you just want o hide away and close the door never to be seen again?  Sometimes you are focused and organized and other times you are so dreamy it is hard to focus in your daily life?   [...]

Astrology With Gil Dwyer

Living in Peace and Harmony leading into the Aquarius Full Moon The Leo New Moon got the month of August off to a creative, fiery and heartfelt start, ideally reconnecting us on some level with our inner child. Mercury stationed to turn direct an hour before the New Moon and will be in its shadow [...]

Meet The Teachers: Joanna Nation

Meet The Teachers: Joanna Nation Joanna Teaches Hatha, Kundalini and Qi Gong At Kundalini House   I’m looking forward to meeting you (if we haven't met before) and hello. You'll see me around Kundalini House teaching Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Integrative Qi Gong (perhaps some other classes too as my offer continues to grow). [...]

Astrology With Gil Dwyer July 2019

Believe in yourself at the Capricorn Full Moon/ Partial Lunar Eclipse The current eclipse season started with the 17th of June Sagittarian Full Moon, which so poetically occurred right at the galactic centre of the universe. While the portal will close at the next New Moon in Leo on the 1st of August, the influence [...]

Manifest your wildest dreams this New Moon- By Melanie June

Manifest your wildest dreams this New Moon- By Melanie June There is a new moon in Gemini tonight, which is a great time to begin new projects, business or focus on what you want to bring into creation. Whilst it’s a great time to manifest and work with the energy of the moon, you also [...]

Home Remedies to Treat Cold Hands and Feet Part 2 – By Leela Klein

Home Remedies to Treat Cold Hands and Feet Experiencing cold feet is normal from time to time. Changes in temperature, as well as health and lifestyle choices, are some of the most common causes of cold feet, and adjusting these factors will usually help you to relieve symptoms. There can be a variety of reasons [...]

Is your conscious mind getting in the way of your health, happiness and potential?

  In many cases, past experiences set our future behaviours and sets up limitations which effectively constrain our full potential. Hypnotherapy, is commonly used to facilitate adjustment to set new behaviour, and helps free the shackles of behaviour patterns that previously were difficult to counter or overcome. "It is genuinely exciting to know that Hypnotherapy [...]

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