
Sacred Rest – The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga

Sacred Rest - The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga with Rachel Hanrahan Sacred Rest is a lovingly crafted lush experience of deep healing restorative yoga with Rachel. This workshop weaves a gentle fusion of restorative yoga, therapeutic breathing methods, divine guided meditations, crystal bowl sound healing and the evidence based iRest Yoga Nidra. BOOK HERE! [...]

By |2018-11-22T18:16:13+11:00September 16th, 2016||0 Comments

Journey through Mindful Movement – Qigong & Meditation

As we close our eyes we begin to draw our attention inwardly… We stand in 'Bamboo in the wind', a simple and relaxed standing posture, our focus settles on the breath. Observe the inhalation. The sensation of the breath coming in, through the nostrils, feeling it glide past the back of the throat and move [...]

Stress, anxiety, our mental health and the science of Hypnotherapy

Winter is on our doorstep.  Sunshine’s’ Vitamin D is depleting . The days are shorter , the nights longer and this can make us feel more stressed, and less balanced than we would like to feel.  To add  to this, the “quickening” pressure of 2012, which finds us constantly rushing or cramming often too much [...]

ARE YOU NEW TO YOGA? Here are a few tips to get you started:

1.    A good place to start is to consider your intentions with yoga. Ask yourself what you want from Yoga? Is it for a physical practice, a mental practice, a spiritual practice, a devotional practice or a more intellectual pursuit? Either way all paths of yoga lead to union of the mind and body. 2.   [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:08:12+11:00November 28th, 2011|Uncategorized, Yoga & Meditation, Yogic News|0 Comments

11 things to remember when living in the Aquarian Age

The Aquarian Age is characterised by “We do it together” rather than “I do it for myself” or “I do what I want”.  Ask yourself “Who should I be doing it with?” rather than “What do I do?” Intellect is not enough.  Build your relationship to intuition, emotion and instinct. There is a sense that [...]

Finding it hard to get motivated for your Yoga practice? Try our top tips!

1.    Get Educated Have you ever been in a class and wondered what the benefits are of placing our body in these strange positions?  There are so many great yoga resources out there, you only need to get out your iphone, use our dear friend the ‘internet’, lie in the sunshine (with sunscreen on of [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:18:51+11:00November 18th, 2011|Mental Attitudes, Yoga & Meditation, Yogic News|0 Comments

The Science of Kundalini Yoga Meditation

As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a transpersonal counsellor who uses meditation as a therapeutic intervention, I am continually amazed by how profoundly this range of interventions can bring about deep, lasting change. I find it exciting that Western science has caught up with what yogic texts have been teaching for thousands of years. I [...]

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