
Tapping Therapy: What You Can Feel You Can Heal – by Lee Beaton

Tapping therapy (also referred to as Emotional Freedom Technique) is one method I have discovered that not only addresses physical symptoms but can also help to sooth emotions and free you from persistent thought patterns. For instance, I have used it lately to support my sleep. I have been listening to Dawson Church's audiobook "Meditations [...]

By |2024-03-20T12:24:04+11:00March 20th, 2024|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Unveiling the Dynamics of Love: Understanding the Demander & Withdrawer in Relationships by Lee Beaton

Love is a captivating journey that takes us through exhilarating highs and challenging lows. Within the realm of relationships, understanding the intricate dance between partners is essential for fostering healthy connections. One concept that sheds light on this dynamic interplay, that comes from Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT), is the fascinating roles of the Demander and [...]

By |2023-06-30T16:17:33+10:00June 24th, 2023|Clinic, Counselling, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Astrology With Gil Dwyer – Eclipses: A Second Aries New Moon and the Scorpio Full Moon

It’s really early days for Pluto’s recently initiated 20 year journey through Aquarius where it previously powered the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment and the odd Revolution. It currently sits in the first degree of Aquarius which it won’t progress beyond before it travels back into Capricorn in June for the remainder of 2023. This [...]

By |2023-04-14T12:21:10+10:00April 14th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Chinese Year: Yin Water Rabbit by Leela Klein

Yin Water Rabbit Welcome to the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit! Last year’s Yang Water Tiger is slowly losing its bite, and the Rabbit is hopping in its place. The year of the Rabbit is all about expansion and growth, and this energy will grow as the rabbit matures throughout the year. It’s a [...]

Long Covid: Tips for Recovery by Leela Klein

Tips for Recovery for Long Covid with Chinese Medicine Acupuncture. I’ve recently been taking part in an online seminar with Chinese Medicine practitioners from all over the world to discuss the effects of Long Covid and its treatment with Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and herbs. We found that while Covid symptoms may pass quickly, some people [...]

Creating Personal Boundaries For You & Others

We recently called on the gracious Marisa Howard, Somatic Psychotherapist and Rehabilitation Counsellor at Kundalini House for some approaches to creating boundaries for self and others in a compassionate and embodied way. Boundaries take many forms, and can range from being strict and rigid to porous to almost non-existent. Healthy boundaries serve to make it [...]

5 Ways to Experience Calm

5 Ways to Experience Calm By Dharamjot  It always feels good to be in control of our words and actions without having the surprise of some erratic shouting, shutdown silence or slamming of a door. This type of reaction can be fast and happens without any thought. Can you relate? So where does it come [...]

Fire Cider :: an ancient remedy by Rebecca Holly

Fire Cider is a simple, powerful, seasonal folk medicine that is made predominantly from ingredients you’ll already have in your kitchen. It is a multi-purpose and versatile remedy that can be used for a handful of different health issues, as a preventative medicine, or to improve health and wellbeing overall. Below you’ll find a recipe [...]

A Guided Breath Practice to Create Calm and Aid Sleep

A Guided Breath Practice to Create Calm and Aid Sleep With Melisa Chabierski   This practice is good for all, but especially fabulous for postnatal women who can not rest, relax, or sleep when their baby is asleep.   Rhythmic Extension Breath Breath practice that begins with equal in and out flows of the breath, [...]

Astrology with Gil Dwyer – Emotional Clearing at a Serious Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

Emotional Clearing at a Serious Scorpio Lunar Eclipse   On the 11th of May Jupiter moves from Pisces into Aries promoting the energy to make a clean break with the past and suggesting growth and improvement associated with confident assertive activity and new adventures. This is a time to be courageous and have faith in [...]

By |2022-05-06T14:09:26+10:00May 6th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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