February is an overwhelmingly positive month as we sit on the threshold of a year of profound change. Jupiter trined the Sun on the last day of January, where our sense of individuality incorporates faith and an openness to grace. On the 2nd of February a number of harmonious conjunctions and trines include Venus meeting up with both Neptune and the North Node, all in Pisces. Venus then moves into Aries on the 5th of February bringing direct affection and an energy for new experience. On the same day Jupiter stations direct, signifying a shift towards increased expansion, optimism, and positive progress, particularly as it relates to information and communication.

Mars has been retrograde since early December 2024 encouraging a change of direction and a refinement of goals and providing opportunity for inner growth, rather than outward displays of power. Importantly we have been going through a period of Mars-Pluto oppositions where there’s an urge to transform situations and eliminate impediments through decisive and at times ruthless actions. Mars will make the last of its three oppositions with Pluto on the 26th of April. Before this, on the 10th of February, Mars will trine Saturn enabling our determination and bringing a strong sense of commitment. Then Mars will station to turn direct on the 24th of February, gradually enabling a shift in energy towards more action, initiative, and assertive behaviour.

A countervailing influence will be evident over time with the recent movement of  the North Node into Pisces (and the South Node into Virgo) heralding some of the largest collective shifts towards unconditional love and spiritual understanding. The potential here is to come together in the oneness of human experience in a non-judgemental way with loving compassion, to lean into trust and learn to surrender to the natural flow of life. There will be a strong emphasis here on emotional healing and health will become prominent in the Zeitgeist. The challenge will be to avoid perfectionism, manipulation and spiritual bypass.

The Leo Full Moon opposes the Aquarius Sun at 0:53 am on the 13th of February at 25 degrees, symbolised as: A Large Camel is Seen Crossing a Vast and Forbidding Desert,. This highlights addressing the issue of self sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure. It suggests the need for total independence from our surroundings and utter self reliance. The Leo Full Moon is a time when we are challenged to find the balance between our personal expression and the greater good of the group. The Full Moon is forming a close square to Uranus suggesting a desire to reconcile any perceived  need for unrestrained self-expression with our need for inner support, security and tranquility. The Moon also opposes Mercury where rational understanding needs to come to terms with any sense of emotional rightness and with one’s subjective predisposition. This is a particularly  important full moon in terms of the need to release what no longer serves us in anticipation of big changes on the horizon.

The Sun enters Pisces late on the  18th of  February, where  the sense of individuality is not clearly focused  due to empathy with the lives and problems of others. With Mars going direct on the 25t h  of February we will experience all the planets moving forward through to early March, when Venus goes retrograde.

The Pisces New Moon is at 11:44 am on the 28th of February at 10 degrees. This degree is symbolised as:  An Avatar Pursues Their Journey, Flying through Ground-obscuring Clouds. This speaks to the human ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow them to operate in mental-spiritual realms. It evokes the achievement of mastery. With the Sun and Moon in the sensitive and compassionate sign of Pisces at this time, vitality and self expression are coloured by yearnings, overwhelming vulnerability and the state of the inner life. The Moon here is reminding us that periods of unfocused, free, imaginative daydreaming help bring emotional tranquility. The Moon squares Jupiter suggesting great sensitivity toward connection with a larger order and tolerance for others’ behaviour but not always their ideas. The North Node is less than a degree from Neptune encouraging empathy and compassion towards self and others at this especially positive New Moon.