kundalini yoga

Kundalini Yoga – We ask one of our teachers, Jeanne Cameron why it’s so good!

What is your favorite aspect of KY and how do you bring it into your classes? The thing I love most about KY is the way it makes me feel, both during and after a class. Stretching my body, my will and my being! I love how KY opens me up to joy and delight [...]

Kundalini Yoga for Waking Up Series by Melissa Laing/Ravi Har Kaur

This is a lovely little kriya that Yogi Bhajan recommended we do every day-without even getting out of bed—to start your day, energised! You can begin with 30 seconds for each posture to work up to 2 minutes. Source: Sexuality and Spirituality, Guru Rattana, Ph.D, 1989 Yoga Technology Press Always begin by tuning in with [...]

By |2018-10-26T21:47:48+11:00October 27th, 2011|Kundalini Yoga, Yoga & Meditation, Yogic News|0 Comments

A WOMAN’S BOOK OF YOGA – Machelle M Seibel & Hari Kaur Khalsa

The beauty of Kundalini Yoga is its dedication to inspiring women to be physically smart, mentally stable and spiritually fantastic!  Yogi Bhajan believed that through the empowerment and upliftment of women, the consciousness of the world would shift. “A Woman's Book of Yoga’ is a great read and a practical resource book that is written [...]

11.11.11 The dawning of the Aquarian Age.

In the yogic tradition the date of 11.11.11 is when we move into the Aquarian Age.  What a blessing and what an extraordinary time in history.  We are alive at a time when we are seeing and experiencing such transformation, change and perhaps for some uncertainty. For the past 21 years we have been in [...]

To meditate or not to meditate, there really is no question.

By Melissa Laing/Ravi Har Kaur As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a transpersonal counsellor who uses meditation as a therapeutic intervention, I am continually amazed by how profoundly Kundalini Yoga meditations can bring about deep, lasting change. Yogi Bhajan describes meditation as “the art of breaking habits, to purify the mind and to take care [...]

By |2018-10-26T21:48:14+11:00September 22nd, 2011|Kundalini Yoga, Uncategorized, Yoga & Meditation|0 Comments

The Science of Kundalini Yoga Meditation

As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, and a transpersonal counsellor who uses meditation as a therapeutic intervention, I am continually amazed by how profoundly this range of interventions can bring about deep, lasting change. I find it exciting that Western science has caught up with what yogic texts have been teaching for thousands of years. I [...]

Learn 2 vital breaths for life, including Breath of Fire.

Written by Billie Atherstone, Kundalini Yoga Teacher at Kundalini House There is one thing in life which we often overlook but is the foundation for living a happy and healthy life.  It's the breath.  We can do without food and water for some time, but we can't live without the breath. When we breath correctly [...]

By |2018-10-26T21:48:42+11:00September 7th, 2011|Kundalini Yoga, Yoga & Meditation, Yogic News|2 Comments
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