
AcuNidra with Evelyn Stavrinidis and Spiros Antoniades

Kundalini House 1/391 St Georges Rd, North Fitzroy, VIC, Australia

AcuNidra AcuNidra is a treatment in a group setting that encompasses all senses. It is based on deep healing meditation (Yoganidra), together with traditional acupuncture, sound, light, and smell stimulation. AcuNidra is developed by Melbourne local Spiros Antoniades from Medica Complete Health. Together with Yoganidra specialist Evelyn Stav from Kundalini House, they will take you [...]

Kundalini Yoga for Healing Addictions with Onkartej Kaur

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Kundalini Yoga for Healing Addictions 6-Week Course An addiction is a self-defeating habit that we feel absolutely enslaved by. It can manifest itself in many different physical, emotional and psychological forms. From substance abuse right through to obsessive thoughts and behaviours. One thing they all have in common though is that they mask a bigger [...]

iRest Course with Rachel Hanrahan

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

iRest Yoga Nidra is a 10 stage modern adaption of Yoga Nidra developed by psychologist Richard Miller. IRest promotes deep restoration as you are guided through various experiences. You are asked to rest at ease while observing and welcoming sensations, breath, feelings, emotions, beliefs, images and memories that naturally arise. This restorative evidence based practice [...]

Yoga for Inner Vitality & Recovery with Siri Bhagvati (Billie) Atherstone

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

 Yoga for Inner Vitality & Recovery This course is designed for people who have experienced long term stress or are interested in rebuilding and managing their energy so that they can cope with life more easily and recover from emotional stress or illness. The classes will include a combination of gentle nourishing physical exercises & [...]

Yoga for Inner Vitality & Recovery with Siri Bhagvati (Billie) Atherstone

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

 Yoga for Inner Vitality & Recovery A 6 week therapeutic course to help rebuild your energy and stamina This course is designed for people who have experienced long term stress or are interested in rebuilding and managing their energy so that they can cope with life more easily and recover from emotional stress or illness. [...]

Sacred Rest – The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga

Sacred Rest - The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga with Rachel Hanrahan Sacred Rest is a lovingly crafted lush experience of deep healing restorative yoga with Rachel. This workshop weaves a gentle fusion of restorative yoga, therapeutic breathing methods, divine guided meditations, crystal bowl sound healing and the evidence based iRest Yoga Nidra. Investment is [...]

Yoga for Trauma Recovery – 10 week course (Tuesdays)

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Kundalini Yoga for the Recovery of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder A 10 week course for those who have experienced childhood trauma This course is an evidence based course for people who have experienced stress or trauma in their younger years. Research shows that the body stores trauma in muscle tissue and the brain. The effects [...]

Yoga for Trauma Recovery – 10 week course (Thursdays)

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Kundalini Yoga for the Recovery of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder A 10 week course for those who have experienced childhood trauma This course is an evidence based course for people who have experienced stress or trauma in their younger years. Research shows that the body stores trauma in muscle tissue and the brain. The effects [...]

Kundalini Yoga for Trauma Recovery – Phase Two

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Phase Two: Kundalini Yoga for the Recovery of Childhood Trauma A 6 week course to offer a deeper experience and ongoing growth. This phase two course is open to those who have attended a Kundalini Yoga Recovery of Trauma course in the past and are wanting to continue or renew their practice of this evidence [...]

Kundalini Yoga for Trauma Recovery – Phase One

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Kundalini Yoga for the Recovery of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder A 10 week course for those who have experienced childhood trauma This course is an evidence based course for people who have experienced stress or trauma in their younger years. Research shows that the body stores trauma in muscle tissue and the brain. The effects [...]

Cancelled: Sacred Rest – The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

This workshop is cancelled. Please contact Rachel directly through the booking link below to discuss any issues you might be experiencing.   Sacred Rest - The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga with Rachel Hanrahan Sacred Rest is a lovingly crafted lush experience of deep healing restorative yoga with Rachel. This workshop weaves a gentle fusion [...]

Sacred Rest – The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Sacred Rest - The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga with Rachel Hanrahan Sacred Rest is a lovingly crafted lush experience of deep healing restorative yoga with Rachel. This workshop weaves a gentle fusion of restorative yoga, therapeutic breathing methods, divine guided meditations, crystal bowl sound healing and the evidence based iRest Yoga Nidra. BOOK HERE! [...]

Conscious Mornings: 5-day Yin Yoga intensive

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

CONSCIOUS MORNINGS Clear physical tension, mental congestion and emotional stagnation. An intensive in generating and grounding qi for deeper awareness and wellbeing. Qi gong, yin yoga, pranayama and meditation. All levels welcome.   5-day Yin Yoga intensive with Evelyn Mon 14th Jan - Fri 18th Jan 9.30 - 10.45am   Full course: $100/ casual attendance [...]

Yoga & Meditation Course for Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is the experience of nervousness, uncertainty, worry, fear or panic and can often be linked to stress. It is the most common mental health condition in Australia today*. This 8-week course will provide learning and practice of specific Kundalini yoga and meditation techniques to counter the physical, mental and emotional experience of anxiety and [...]

7 Week Course Yoga & Meditation Course for Anxiety and Stress

Yoga & Meditation Course for Anxiety and Stress Anxiety is the experience of nervousness, uncertainty, worry, fear or panic and can often be linked to stress. It is the most common mental health condition in Australia today*. This 7-week course will provide learning and practice of specific Kundalini yoga and meditation techniques to counter the [...]

7 Week Course Yoga & Meditation Course for Anxiety and Stress

Yoga & Meditation Course for Anxiety and Stress Anxiety is the experience of nervousness, uncertainty, worry, fear or panic and can often be linked to stress. It is the most common mental health condition in Australia today*. This 7-week course will provide learning and practice of specific Kundalini yoga and meditation techniques to counter the [...]

Qigong for anxiety workshop: Taming the monkey mind – With Justine McGill

Qigong for anxiety workshop: taming the monkey mind      In the practice of cultivating energy known as qigong, there is a well-known move called “Repulse the monkey.” Many movements in qigong have names that relate to animals or elements of the natural world, reflecting its origins in rural China, where practitioners lived in harmony [...]

Kundalini Yoga for Anxiety and Depression

KUNDALINI YOGA THERAPY PROFESSIONAL YOGA THERAPY TRAINING Kundalini Yoga for Anxiety and Depression with Dr Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher training prepares us to teach to people who are healthy. A separate set of skills and a different way of thinking is required to teach to people with health conditions. Anxiety [...]

Transform Anxiety Course

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Transform Anxiety Kundalini Yoga Therapy 6 week course Wednesdays 5:00-6:15pm Starting 12th October to 16th November    This gently paced course has been designed as a supportive container to assist in the transformation of anxiety and anxiety disorders. Through the gentle practices of Kundalini Yoga, you will begin to develop self-awareness and build self-regulation [...]

From Surviving to Thriving Course

A 7 Week Course for Radical Change with Dharamjot Kaur Khalsa   Imagine a life of ease, joy and grace. Connected with your own inner wisdom. Taking the time to honour and clear old stories that have kept you in survival mode and fill your heart with the good stuff so you can [...]

Fundamentals of Yoga

391A St. Georges Rd. North Fitzroy

For new and aspiring yoga students.Gain a more expansive understanding of yoga, safe & sustainable practice; satisfy curiosity for knowledge, and deepen overall experience of yoga. Create awareness and increase clarity that yoga is more than just an exercise workout or Asana only practice.   Yoga means many things and is difficult to define. It [...]

Qigong for Anxiety with Rachel Hanrahan

Kundalini House 391A St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia

Qigong for Anxiety Workshop Sunday 3 March 2023 @ 11:30am -1:00pm In Studio Only   Anxiety is a natural reaction to the stress of modern life. Our attention and energy can be often scattered and pulled in lots of different directions. Qi Gong is an ancient moving meditation practice that helps you to turn inward, [...]

$30 – $35
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