
Autumn Recharge with Bowen Therapy

What can Bowen do for you this Winter? Bowen can address pain relief, provide stress relief, improve immune function and increase energy levels. What is Bowen?   Bowen sessions are about relaxing on a massage table while your therapist addresses your specific needs, using deceptively gentle finger-tip pressure to powerfully activate precise combinations of muscle nerve and connective [...]

Benefits of massage during winter

Massage has many wonderful benefits to all who partake , and in the winter months, this is no exception. Immune Boosting Massage therapy increases lymph flow which is packed with white blood cells or “killer cells”. These “killer cells” fight off infections and bacteria, boosting your immune system during this time of year where many [...]

Serotonin, Sleep and Massage

Ever thought about regular massage to help regulate sleep? Insomnia, linked to low levels of serotonin, also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine is a hormone in the pineal gland, the digestive tract, the central nervous system, and in blood platelets. Serotonin plays an important part in the regulation of learning, mood, sleep and vasoconstriction (constriction of blood [...]

By |2019-08-16T12:25:33+10:00August 29th, 2013|Massage, Mental Attitudes, Treating Sickness|0 Comments

Do you clench or grind your teeth? Treating headaches and neck pain by targeting the jaw

I first became interested in the mechanics of the jaw and the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) when I began to suffer from tension, restricted range of movement and clicking in my own jaw.  I think it was a combination of starting up my own business, having a baby and having to cope with a lot of [...]

Beating Anxiety, the Natural Way

Who hasn’t experienced anxiety at one time or another in their lives? And I’m not talking about that normal tension you get before an exam, or meeting the in-laws, or going for an interview. I’m talking about the kind of ANXIETY that starts affecting you and your daily life. Anxiety comes in varying degrees from [...]

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