
Sacred Rest – The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga

Sacred Rest - The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga with Rachel Hanrahan Sacred Rest is a lovingly crafted lush experience of deep healing restorative yoga with Rachel. This workshop weaves a gentle fusion of restorative yoga, therapeutic breathing methods, divine guided meditations, crystal bowl sound healing and the evidence based iRest Yoga Nidra. Investment is [...]

By |2017-11-10T15:00:50+11:00September 16th, 2016|0 Comments

Sacred Rest – The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga

Sacred Rest - The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga with Rachel Hanrahan Sacred Rest is a lovingly crafted lush experience of deep healing restorative yoga with Rachel. This workshop weaves a gentle fusion of restorative yoga, therapeutic breathing methods, divine guided meditations, crystal bowl sound healing and the evidence based iRest Yoga Nidra. BOOK HERE! [...]

By |2018-11-22T18:16:13+11:00September 16th, 2016||0 Comments

Journey through Mindful Movement – Qigong & Meditation

As we close our eyes we begin to draw our attention inwardly… We stand in 'Bamboo in the wind', a simple and relaxed standing posture, our focus settles on the breath. Observe the inhalation. The sensation of the breath coming in, through the nostrils, feeling it glide past the back of the throat and move [...]

Beating Anxiety, the Natural Way

Who hasn’t experienced anxiety at one time or another in their lives? And I’m not talking about that normal tension you get before an exam, or meeting the in-laws, or going for an interview. I’m talking about the kind of ANXIETY that starts affecting you and your daily life. Anxiety comes in varying degrees from [...]

Kundalini Yoga – We ask one of our teachers, Jeanne Cameron why it’s so good!

What is your favorite aspect of KY and how do you bring it into your classes? The thing I love most about KY is the way it makes me feel, both during and after a class. Stretching my body, my will and my being! I love how KY opens me up to joy and delight [...]

Be with the Heart

We recently celebrated Kundalini Yoga at the annual Kundalini Yoga Festival of light. The day focused on the heart centre. It was a wonderful day of community, sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and awakening the expansive space of the heart. The heart chakra is the fourth spiritual centre within all of us. Physically located [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:48:56+11:00September 8th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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