kundalini yoga

Kundalini Yoga for the Recovery of Birth Trauma

“A birth is defined as traumatic if the woman was or believed she or her baby was in danger of injury or death and she felt helpless and out of control, this can occur at any point in labour and birth.”(Beck2004a) As a mother myself, I know plenty of women who have given birth. It’s [...]

Overcoming addiction: SuperHealth®, a Sadhu named Mukta, and an Enchanted Desert

It was registration day.  I had looked forward to travelling to Rishikesh, India, to study the Kundalini Yoga Level 2 component, Authentic Relationships.  I stared at the screen in front of me – India: yoga paradise. What happened next is still a mystery to me, but it was to change my life forever. I unexpectantly [...]

Meditation and how long should I practice for?

Yogi Bhajan describes meditation as “the art of breaking habits, to purify the mind and to take care of the day-to-day things”. In his lecture, ‘Meditation: a simple process’ he states the following: “Meditation is a process. When the dawn comes, the sun power, the ray energy, is more scattered and the mind is not [...]

11 things to remember when living in the Aquarian Age

The Aquarian Age is characterised by “We do it together” rather than “I do it for myself” or “I do what I want”.  Ask yourself “Who should I be doing it with?” rather than “What do I do?” Intellect is not enough.  Build your relationship to intuition, emotion and instinct. There is a sense that [...]

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