
Simple steps to Calm Down – Nancy Hanley

Simple steps to Calm Down It’s not only remembering TO relax, there’s the HOW to relax that is a factor – how does one relax when you’re stressed out and tense? Without strategies or tools to help you move out of feeling overwhelmed, you might find yourself reaching for alcohol or drugs in an attempt [...]

Astrology with Gil Dwyer

Feeding Your Soul - Cancerian New Moon/Solar Eclipse   Happy Winter Solstice or as I visualise it, the birth of hope! At 1:54 am on Saturday the 22nd of June the Sun moves into Cancer, marking the Winter Solstice, and setting the tone for the next few months with a particularly Cancerian tone. This coincides [...]

Be with the Heart

We recently celebrated Kundalini Yoga at the annual Kundalini Yoga Festival of light. The day focused on the heart centre. It was a wonderful day of community, sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and awakening the expansive space of the heart. The heart chakra is the fourth spiritual centre within all of us. Physically located [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:48:56+11:00September 8th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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