
Is your conscious mind getting in the way of your health, happiness and potential?

  In many cases, past experiences set our future behaviours and sets up limitations which effectively constrain our full potential. Hypnotherapy, is commonly used to facilitate adjustment to set new behaviour, and helps free the shackles of behaviour patterns that previously were difficult to counter or overcome. "It is genuinely exciting to know that Hypnotherapy [...]

Reduce Stress and Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is rife amongst us.  In this day and age there are more people suffering from anxiety and stress related illnesses than ever in the history of mankind. Anxiety is becoming a living breathing monster that feeds off so many in its path. It is crippling people and destroying lives. Stresses of modern day life [...]

Procrastination, or Personal Development? – Clinical Hypnotherapy can make it happen!

Do you have dreams, goals and aspirations that you have been planning to get started on soon, later,  tomorrow? We all know tomorrow never actually comes, so we could all use a little bit of help to maximise our enjoyment in life, and to achieve the success and aspirations we deserve.  With the assistance of Clinical Hypnotherapy, [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:13:40+11:00September 30th, 2013|Hypnotherapy|0 Comments

Beating Anxiety, the Natural Way

Who hasn’t experienced anxiety at one time or another in their lives? And I’m not talking about that normal tension you get before an exam, or meeting the in-laws, or going for an interview. I’m talking about the kind of ANXIETY that starts affecting you and your daily life. Anxiety comes in varying degrees from [...]

Manage Anxiety with Hypnotherapy

In Australia Anxiety is ranked higher than any other mental health condition and sadly it’s on the rise.  12 per cent of females and 7.1 per cent of males have been diagnosed as having anxiety. Imagine how many more amongst us suffer this common ailment? How often do you find yourself simply halted by that [...]

Meditation and how long should I practice for?

Yogi Bhajan describes meditation as “the art of breaking habits, to purify the mind and to take care of the day-to-day things”. In his lecture, ‘Meditation: a simple process’ he states the following: “Meditation is a process. When the dawn comes, the sun power, the ray energy, is more scattered and the mind is not [...]

Stress, anxiety, our mental health and the science of Hypnotherapy

Winter is on our doorstep.  Sunshine’s’ Vitamin D is depleting . The days are shorter , the nights longer and this can make us feel more stressed, and less balanced than we would like to feel.  To add  to this, the “quickening” pressure of 2012, which finds us constantly rushing or cramming often too much [...]

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