
Hormones, Inflammation and Fasting: The Female Experience by Chantal Cavanagh – Part 2

During Part 1 of this blog, I discussed how research is highlighting how the female hormones play a role in inflammation and pain. Throughout our lives as females, our hormones will change and pivot from one state to the next. Keeping them balanced and in an ideal range makes sense for so many aspects of [...]

Hormones, Inflammation and Fasting: the Female Experience by Chantal Cavanagh – Part 1

There has been so much talk regarding the benefits of fasting for weight loss and improved energy over the last few years that it seems a natural response to want to jump on board to reap these benefits! But did you also know that there are other incredible health promoting benefits to fasting that are [...]

Unveiling the Dynamics of Love: Understanding the Demander & Withdrawer in Relationships by Lee Beaton

Love is a captivating journey that takes us through exhilarating highs and challenging lows. Within the realm of relationships, understanding the intricate dance between partners is essential for fostering healthy connections. One concept that sheds light on this dynamic interplay, that comes from Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT), is the fascinating roles of the Demander and [...]

By |2023-06-30T16:17:33+10:00June 24th, 2023|Clinic, Counselling, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Long Covid: Tips for Recovery by Leela Klein

Tips for Recovery for Long Covid with Chinese Medicine Acupuncture. I’ve recently been taking part in an online seminar with Chinese Medicine practitioners from all over the world to discuss the effects of Long Covid and its treatment with Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and herbs. We found that while Covid symptoms may pass quickly, some people [...]

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