
Sacred Rest – The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga

Sacred Rest - The Healing Gift of Restorative Yoga with Rachel Hanrahan Sacred Rest is a lovingly crafted lush experience of deep healing restorative yoga with Rachel. This workshop weaves a gentle fusion of restorative yoga, therapeutic breathing methods, divine guided meditations, crystal bowl sound healing and the evidence based iRest Yoga Nidra. BOOK HERE! [...]

By |2018-11-22T18:16:13+11:00September 16th, 2016||0 Comments

Ayurveda for the Spring

Spring is traditionally a time for new life and renewal.  Envision spring to be a time for weeding the garden (de-cluttering and cleaning) and for sowing the seeds and establishing roots (setting intentions and new routines) for the season ahead after the months of hibernation and stagnation that is winter.  The Earth is getting closer [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:54:39+11:00October 14th, 2015|Ayurveda, Uncategorized, Yoga & Meditation, Yogic News|1 Comment

Bowen curious? Heard about it but not sure what it’s all about?

Bowen is a gentle structural technique that aims to gently stimulate the body's own innate healing mechanism, reminding the physical body to realign itself where possible. If there is tension in one part of the body the whole musculoskeletal system can be compromised and effected, creating pain, discomfort or simply feeling physically out of whack. [...]

By |2018-03-28T12:52:36+11:00March 19th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Reduce Stress and Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is rife amongst us.  In this day and age there are more people suffering from anxiety and stress related illnesses than ever in the history of mankind. Anxiety is becoming a living breathing monster that feeds off so many in its path. It is crippling people and destroying lives. Stresses of modern day life [...]

Sunshine, I salute thee!

Sun salutes strengthen and lengthen all the major muscle groups and bring deeper focus to the act of breathing.  Each movement is coupled with the breath in a sun salutation. This means we get the chance to really focus on deeply inhaling and exhaling while we move. The benefits of bringing breath consciously into and [...]

Protect your inner environment….as carbon taxes you!

With the carbon tax approaching and the continuous presence of carbon emissions in the media we can’t help but see the word ‘carbon’ as ‘bad’ or ‘toxic’.  It got me thinking about carbon dioxide within the body.  It is often perceived as being ‘toxic’ for the human body, but how true is this? Carbon dioxide [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:18:55+11:00August 9th, 2012|Mental Attitudes, Yoga & Meditation|1 Comment

Manage Anxiety with Hypnotherapy

In Australia Anxiety is ranked higher than any other mental health condition and sadly it’s on the rise.  12 per cent of females and 7.1 per cent of males have been diagnosed as having anxiety. Imagine how many more amongst us suffer this common ailment? How often do you find yourself simply halted by that [...]

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