Mental Attitudes

What is a flower essence? by Rebecca van Horssen

What is a flower essence? Flower Essences are a beautiful, energetic medicine that work primarily on the subtle energy of the body. They work on our mental, emotional, and spiritual self by bringing our energy back into balance.The idea behind this is that each plant or flower holds a signature, or an imprint - kind [...]

Is your conscious mind getting in the way of your health, happiness and potential?

  In many cases, past experiences set our future behaviours and sets up limitations which effectively constrain our full potential. Hypnotherapy, is commonly used to facilitate adjustment to set new behaviour, and helps free the shackles of behaviour patterns that previously were difficult to counter or overcome. "It is genuinely exciting to know that Hypnotherapy [...]

Kundalini Yoga for the Recovery of Birth Trauma

“A birth is defined as traumatic if the woman was or believed she or her baby was in danger of injury or death and she felt helpless and out of control, this can occur at any point in labour and birth.”(Beck2004a) As a mother myself, I know plenty of women who have given birth. It’s [...]

Intrusive thoughts: A common occurrence in new Mothers

Intrusive distressing thoughts are normal and we all experience them from time to time. Research shows that they are even more common after giving birth - up to 80% of all new mothers report distressing unwanted thoughts concerning fears of intentionally or accidentally causing harm to the baby. This suggests that thoughts concerning safety may [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:54:23+11:00August 13th, 2014|Mental Attitudes, Parenting|0 Comments

The nature of winter and your body

Winter is the time of rest and retreat, where the Yin Qi is now dominant and the Yang Qi moves inward to regenerate. In nature winter is a time of stillness and quiet. Cold causes things to slow down and contract, making you feel even colder and can lead to symptoms such as cold hands [...]

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