Shamanic Journey

Embarking on Shamanic Journeys for Holistic Wellbeing – with Rachel Hanrahan

Embarking on Shamanic Journeys for Holistic Wellbeing As a Crystal Dreaming® shamanic journey practitioner I am always in awe at how Shamanic journeys are a profound avenue for holistic wellbeing, they offer a sacred passage to explore the depths of our existence and to find inner harmony. Essentially these soul voyages hold transformative potential beyond [...]

By |2024-05-17T15:18:40+10:00May 16th, 2024|sacred therapies, Shamanic Journey|0 Comments

Crystal Dreaming Shamanic Journey // FREE Discovery call

Crystal Dreaming Shamanic Journey For the last 10 years I have been facilitating shamanic journeys. After being initiated through the Quechua lineages of the Andes and finding my teacher Raym Richards creator of crystal dreaming I have now guided thousands of recalls of past life deaths. My experience has taught me that we are all [...]

By |2020-06-25T12:51:37+10:00June 25th, 2020|sacred therapies, Shamanic Journey|0 Comments

Dreaming our existence in reality – Rachel Hanrahan

Dreaming our existence in reality.   The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein   Living in the world we use our senses of taste, hearing, seeing, touch and smell.  Sight (Vision), [...]

The Greatest Honour – Rachel Hanrahan

The greatest honour and privilege for me in my world is to guide others through shamanic processes.  I have always had an interest in altered states as a pathway to connect to the divine.  When we consider our thinking brain can only comprehend 40 bits of information a second on our best days and in [...]

The ultimate gift of soul release – by Rachel Hanrahan

The ultimate gift of soul release   In Shamanic journeys we have an exquisite opportunity to learn, release and integrate deep soul lessons. In my experience of guiding shamanic journeys, I frequently witness the ultimate gift of soul release; an always-beautiful recognition of the loving connection of two souls and the release of  one that [...]

The Curse of the First Child – By Rachel Hanrahan, Crystal Medicine Women

The Curse of the First Child. A beautiful new mother came to the clinic to experience a shamanic journey.  She wanted to explore her deep dark family secret. It seemed there was a curse running through her lineage with the early death of the first child.  Her family had seemingly suffered this horrific trauma and [...]

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