sacred therapies


  Change your thoughts, change your world! Manifest with Hypnosis- By Melanie June With the Wednesday the 3rd of July New Moon Solar Eclipse (Australian time), it’s a great gateway to make a fresh start. We often associate New Moons, with what we want to manifest and bring in to fruition, however our ability to [...]

Astrology with Gil Dwyer

Feeding Your Soul - Cancerian New Moon/Solar Eclipse   Happy Winter Solstice or as I visualise it, the birth of hope! At 1:54 am on Saturday the 22nd of June the Sun moves into Cancer, marking the Winter Solstice, and setting the tone for the next few months with a particularly Cancerian tone. This coincides [...]

Manifest your wildest dreams this New Moon- By Melanie June

Manifest your wildest dreams this New Moon- By Melanie June There is a new moon in Gemini tonight, which is a great time to begin new projects, business or focus on what you want to bring into creation. Whilst it’s a great time to manifest and work with the energy of the moon, you also [...]

Meet Melanie June – Interview for Kundalini House

We are very excited and pleased to welcome a new Therapist here at Kundalini House Melanie June, who will be working at with us on Saturdays, starting on the 13th April. Her presence prompted us to launch a new Therapy page on our website. It is to promote and display all the amazing Sacred Therapies that we [...]

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