
Simple steps to Calm Down – Nancy Hanley

Simple steps to Calm Down It’s not only remembering TO relax, there’s the HOW to relax that is a factor – how does one relax when you’re stressed out and tense? Without strategies or tools to help you move out of feeling overwhelmed, you might find yourself reaching for alcohol or drugs in an attempt [...]

NERVOUS SYSTEM REPAIR iRest Yoga Nidra With Rachel Hanrahan

8 week course includes detailed notes and weekly recordings of each practice for home use. Based on the ancient teachings of meditation, irest is an evidence based transformative practice that promotes deep healing through integrating unresolved issues and traumas that are present in body and mind.  Irest yoga nidra – nervous system repair promotes deep restoration [...]

By |2019-10-11T14:59:38+11:00October 11th, 2019|meditation, wellness, Yoga & Meditation, Yogic News|0 Comments

Astrology With Gil Dwyer

Pluto adding urgency and momentum for change to the Aries Full Moon   Pluto makes its powerful and uncompromising presence felt as it precisely squares off both the Sun and the Moon at the Aries Full Moon. This is a dynamic month with issues of power, control and manipulation in the spotlight. Jupiter turned direct [...]

Moon Centers – Siri Hari

Do you feel that sometimes you are so powerful you can conquer the world while other times you just want o hide away and close the door never to be seen again?  Sometimes you are focused and organized and other times you are so dreamy it is hard to focus in your daily life?   [...]

Trauma Sensitive Yoga for the Recovery from Trauma – TSY From Rhonda Weatherby

Trauma Sensitive Yoga for the Recovery from Trauma - TSY   This course is created to establish a safe, predictable and non-judgmental space in which trauma survivors can begin to get to know their bodies again. TSY is an evidence based course for healing trauma, created by David Emerson from The Trauma Centre in Boston, [...]

Astrology With Gil Dwyer

Living in Peace and Harmony leading into the Aquarius Full Moon The Leo New Moon got the month of August off to a creative, fiery and heartfelt start, ideally reconnecting us on some level with our inner child. Mercury stationed to turn direct an hour before the New Moon and will be in its shadow [...]

Winter – Time to rug up, eat walnuts & have acupuncture By Leela Klein

Winter – Time to rug up, eat walnuts & have acupuncture   Chinese Medicine encourages us to live in harmony with the seasons, and according to Chinese medicine theory, there are five seasons – winter, spring, summer, late summer, and autumn. Winter is the season of hibernation, when energy moves inward. A time of retreat [...]

Self-compassion and changing your critical self-talk – Part 2 By Dr Alla Demutska (Insight Psychology Centre) and Dr Richard Chambers

Self-compassion and changing your critical self-talk – Part 2 By Dr Alla Demutska (Insight Psychology Centre) and Dr Richard Chambers What is self-compassion?   We tend to be much kinder to others than ourselves. Most people, when faced by the suffering of someone they care about, respond with patience, acceptance and presence. We might offer [...]

Meet The Teachers: Joanna Nation

Meet The Teachers: Joanna Nation Joanna Teaches Hatha, Kundalini and Qi Gong At Kundalini House   I’m looking forward to meeting you (if we haven't met before) and hello. You'll see me around Kundalini House teaching Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Integrative Qi Gong (perhaps some other classes too as my offer continues to grow). [...]

iRest Yoga Nidra for Nervous System Repair, What do we do in an iRest class? – Rachel Hanrahan

iRest Yoga Nidra for Nervous System Repair What do we do in an iRest class? As a yogic practice iRest yoga nidra starts with purposefully creating, an inner resource of peace, wellbeing and ease. A student cultivates this place using images, feelings, sounds, tastes and smells and practice recalling this self-created inner resource. The student [...]

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