
Astrology blog with Gil Dwyer – Letting Your Light Shine at the Leo New Moon

Letting Your Light Shine at the Leo New Moon The dynamism of July continues into August. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter have all recently changed signs, with Jupiter’s re-entry into Aquarius most notable. Mars now moves into Virgo on Friday the 30th July joining Venus in that helpful and practical sign.  With Mars in Virgo assertion is [...]

By |2021-07-30T14:28:44+10:00July 30th, 2021|Astrology|0 Comments

Astrology Blog with Gil Dwyer – Expansion and Changing Priorities: The Winter Solstice and Capricorn Full Moon

Expansion and Changing Priorities: The Winter Solstice and Capricorn Full Moon While eclipse season is done for now, the ripples of the two recent eclipses will be felt for some time. Any profound changes in thinking and associated creative changes in your life will be unfolding over the weeks and months to come. The Sun [...]

By |2021-06-18T14:15:26+10:00June 18th, 2021|Astrology|0 Comments

Astrology Blog with Gil Dwyer – Prophetic Dreams and Shifting Values: Solar Eclipse at the Gemini New Moon

Prophetic Dreams and Shifting Values: Solar Eclipse at the Gemini New Moon Eclipse season is associated with endings and sudden change and there’s a certain amount of chaos in the zeitgeist between eclipses. Referring to the square between Jupiter and the recent Sagittarian solar eclipse of the 26th of May, I noted in my last [...]

By |2021-06-04T15:43:49+10:00June 4th, 2021|Astrology|0 Comments

Astrology Blog With Gil Dwyer – Letting Go for a Breakthrough in Perception: Sagittarian Total Eclipse of the Moon

Letting Go for a Breakthrough in Perception: Sagittarian Total Eclipse of the Moon   The Sun moves into curious Gemini on Friday the 21st of May joining Mercury, Venus and the North Node there. The proximitiy of the Lunar Nodes to the next Full Moon heralds the first of two particularly powerful eclipses. Collective karma [...]

By |2021-05-22T12:05:26+10:00May 21st, 2021|Astrology|0 Comments

Welcoming Leyna – Psychotherapist

We are very glad and excited to have Leyna join our team at Kundalini House on Thursdays.   You are a qualified Psychotherapist, who works with a wide range of clients, but you have also been working for the past 10 years in an area which needs a lot of support, that of family violence, [...]

Autumn A Time For Letting Go

Oyster Shells & Dragon Bone – Chinese Medicine  Dr Leela Klein (TCM), 0421 283 442,   Autumn is the season where the hot summer days gradually become shorter, where the cold creeps in and where the energising energy of summer is replaced by the deeper, more introspective, contracting energies of autumn. Autumn also governs [...]


A simple exercise to centre yourself, and connect with your environment. Practice it throughout the day, especially any time you find yourself getting caught up in your thoughts and feelings.    1. Pause for a moment. 2. Look around, and notice five things you can see. 3. Listen carefully, and notice five things you can hear. [...]

By |2019-01-11T13:03:36+11:00January 11th, 2019|Self-care, Yoga & Meditation|2 Comments
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