Expansion and Changing Priorities: The Winter Solstice and Capricorn Full Moon

While eclipse season is done for now, the ripples of the two recent eclipses will be felt for some time. Any profound changes in thinking and associated creative changes in your life will be unfolding over the weeks and months to come.

The Sun enters Cancer at 1:32 pm on Monday the 21st of June marking the Winter Solstice point in the Southern Hemisphere. On this, the shortest day of the year, we can breathe a sigh of relief that the days are going to get longer for the next six months. At this change point when the veil between the worlds is thin we have the added magic of a creative and watery trine between Venus and Neptune which refines and sensitizes the emotions. On the same day Jupiter stations to go slowly backwards through those first couple of degrees of Pisces to complete its journey through Aquarius, before moving properly into Pisces just before the New Year. Future vision, faith and openness to grace abound as the Sun dances with Jupiter the very next day.

Meanwhile Mercury stations to go direct on the 23rd June but as usual will take some time to gather momentum. At home in Gemini it has done a particularly good job of encouraging us to review our communications while also providing a reminder to take the time to listen and to open our eyes to seeing spirit in all experiences.

The Full Moon occurs at 4:39 am on the 25th of June at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This degree is characterised as A Group of People Outfitting a Large Canoe at the Start of a Journey by Water.  It speaks to the ability to use natural resources and basic skills in order to achieve a group purpose. The main emphasis here is on community and group activity in circumstances implying a need for change. The Full Moon contrasts the nurturing perhaps dependent energies of Cancer with the strong, resilient and self sufficient call of Capricorn. Recognising our inter-dependence and how best to deal with the issue of authority in our life is under the spotlight of this Full Moon.

Saturn, the sign associated with Capricorn, just made its second exact square to Uranus requiring us to balance spontaneity with responsibility while reminding us that we need to let go of outdated habits that we may be holding onto as we move into the future. This Capricorn Full Moon asks us to make a decision about our priorities going forward, so we can set realistic goals for the remainder of 2021. We may need to let some things go while recommitting to what matters for the long term. There’s a degree of passion and intensity with an opposition between Pluto and Venus at this Full Moon. While we may be looking for love and affection, it will be important to avoid any unnecessary drama in close relationships.

This Full Moon could be a good time to meet up with friends, family and to share in the spirit of expansion associated with a dance between the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter. Additionally an exact conjunction between the fixed star Polis and the Moon makes it an especially fortunate moon phase with an emphasis on success, honesty, and spirituality.