
Astrology With Gil Dwyer June 2019

Count your Blessings and Spread Your Wings at this especially Sagittarian Full Moon The Sagittarian Full Moon illuminates our aspirations, occuring at 6:30 pm on Monday the 17th July at 26 degrees of Sagittarius as A Flag Bearer in a Battle. This speaks to having the power of one’s convictions and fighting for political ideals, [...]

By |2019-07-05T10:52:17+10:00June 7th, 2019|Astrology, Uncategorized, wellness, Yogic News|0 Comments

Manifest your wildest dreams this New Moon- By Melanie June

Manifest your wildest dreams this New Moon- By Melanie June There is a new moon in Gemini tonight, which is a great time to begin new projects, business or focus on what you want to bring into creation. Whilst it’s a great time to manifest and work with the energy of the moon, you also [...]

Astrology with Gil Dwyer – Scorpio Full Moon

Finding Your Hidden Power and Strength at the Scorpio Full Moon   Power and control issues continue to dominate with Pluto and Saturn both maintaining their retrograde journey. Saturn has been travelling particularly close to the South Node of the Moon and teaching us more than we ever thought we wanted to learn about issues [...]

Celebrating Strength & Resilience; women’s stories resisting and surviving family violence, By Sophie Boord

Celebrating Strength & Resilience; women’s stories resisting and surviving family violence. Sophie presented at the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation Australia 2019: Working with Trauma conference in Sydney earlier this year. She presented a film she’d made in a community health setting, Celebrating Strength & Resilience, which explores five women’s journeys through family violence in their [...]

We have a new full time job opportunity!

Team Leader - Reception & Retailer Please spread the word!   Kundalini House is a health clinic, yoga studio and retail store with a long-standing reputation for providing professional, high quality services targeting health and well being. We are looking for a candidate who is passionate about the health industry and who wants to compassionately [...]

Trea Kriya

By Melissa Laing/ Ravi Har This is one of my favourite kriyas—it is also part of the Opportunity and Green Energy Set and Kriya for the Heart Centre, but can be practiced on its own, which I like to do. I love the heart opening, as well as the way that the sound current transforms [...]

By |2018-03-28T12:54:46+11:00November 13th, 2012|Yoga & Meditation, Yogic News|0 Comments

11.11.11 The dawning of the Aquarian Age.

In the yogic tradition the date of 11.11.11 is when we move into the Aquarian Age.  What a blessing and what an extraordinary time in history.  We are alive at a time when we are seeing and experiencing such transformation, change and perhaps for some uncertainty. For the past 21 years we have been in [...]

Be with the Heart

We recently celebrated Kundalini Yoga at the annual Kundalini Yoga Festival of light. The day focused on the heart centre. It was a wonderful day of community, sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and awakening the expansive space of the heart. The heart chakra is the fourth spiritual centre within all of us. Physically located [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:48:56+11:00September 8th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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