Moving right along: Ingenuity, Release and Manifestation


In what one astrologer aptly describes as a potency revival, Mars has finally begun moving forward after a two month’s journey in an apparently backwards direction. This was to be too late for Malcolm Turnbull, who incidentally became Prime Minister the day after a solar eclipse in 2015. The event that precipitated his undoing, the Super Saturday bi-election, occurred on the day of quite possibly the most powerful lunar eclipse of the century. This eclipse highlighted the retrograde Mars and at the time Turnbull was also experiencing a Mars return. It should be noted that eclipses are known for eclipsing leaders. With Mars mainly retrograding through Aquarius, the sign of networks and alliances, this area has been especially targeted for shifts in dynamics.

While changes for the rest of us have hopefully been less dramatic, our effectiveness has likely been tested in some ways during the Mars retrograde period. With the added involvement of Uranus, we have been challenged in new ways and forced to create, innovate and adapt to doing things differently in order to be effective. Mars stationed to go direct on the 27 August in Capricorn, a sign that favors the energy of this planet. Perhaps you already feel that you are back in action, although it may take some time for Mars to get up to speed. However we should be feeling more of a sense of an open road ahead as we begin to gather ourselves for forward momentum. As Mars regains its potency and our internal chaos begins to come into order, we could realise that the way we respond to frustration and aggression has been transformed.

Saturn in its home of Capricorn will also be turning direct on the 7th of September, after its annual four and a half month retrograde phase. While the more internalized retrograde phase may have helped you to recognize your own negative moods and thought patterns, it will have also provided a great opportunity to erase any negative and destructive ideas that may have played over and over in your mind for many years. Once Saturn turns direct, you can start replacing the old words with positive new ones. It will help to promote a strong work ethic and profound spiritual understanding.

The next New Moon is in Virgo at 17 degrees on Monday 10 September at 4:01am. While New Moons are always good for setting new intentions, this one brings the potency of Uranus and Saturn in favourable aspect to the Moon and Sun, lending ingenuity and the power of manifestation to the mix. The key focus will be on health, healing and nutrition. Decluttering your home, clearing up your thinking and being of practical support to the earth are all on the agenda at this time, when all the planets are either in earth (7) or water (3)

Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House.