Let Your Light Shine at the Leo New Moon

Although it peaked last weekend, the annual 8/8 Lion’s Gate is still a potent energy. With our brightest star Sirius apparently closer to Earth, this alignment between Sirius and Earth signals a time of increased cosmic energy flow between physical and spiritual realms. An intense surge of light from this star of magic is said to be linked to an ability to awaken one’s DNA to harness hidden forces to work with subtle energies towards manifestation in the material realm. Mercury spent some time with Sirius in June and after so much intense shadow work in previous months, prompted by the pandemic, this increase in light energy is particularly welcome. 

The recent Aquarian Full Moon squared by shocking Uranus coincided with a Mars-Jupiter square and we hopefully saw the peak of coronavirus numbers in Victoria. Mars continues in its journey to square the remaining two Capricorn planets encountering Pluto on the 13th of August when we are likely to witness power struggles and butting up with authority as it squares Saturn on the 24th of August. Direct action and focused effort are on the agenda.

Uranus stations to turn retrograde in Taurus on the 16th of August highlighting the need for innovation in our lives to address survival needs, perhaps linked to shocks or twists of fate. While freedom and liberation may be top of the mind at the moment, this period of retrograde may assist with the internal changes in attitude needed to seed long term changes from within. 

Artistic expression is favoured early on Wednesday the 19th of August, with Venus and Uranus forming a sextile. The New Moon occurs at 12:41 pm on the same day at 27 degrees of Leo and in another reference to light is described as The Luminescence of Dawn in the Eastern Sky. This is surely a message of hope, renewal and possibility for the Future. The keyword here is illumination and it speaks to the exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle. The South Node of the Moon, still at the Galactic Centre, forms a harmonious sextile with the Moon and Sun encouraging us to purge out of date thinking and ideas.


With the Sun joining forces with nearby Mercury at this New Moon it’s time to start articulating somethng new based on what you’ve learnt during the Sun’s sojourn in creative Leo. Mars in its own initiatory sign of Aries is forming a beneficial trine aspect to the Sun, Moon and Mercury. This is a time to keep the fire within you alive. Feel your heart light shining during these otherwise challenging times and honor yourself at this time. This solar plexus energy encourages us to speculate about what has changed in our heart. 

Wih Saturn, linking in a somewhat challenging aspect to the Sun and Moon at the New Moon you may not yet have quite worked out where your new creative energy belongs in the world but don’t give up on it. Mercury moves from Leo to earthy Virgo the day after the New Moon with the Sun also moving into Virgo on Sunday the 23rd of August. This brings a more practical and grounded energy with service to others high on the agenda. There are now a total of six planets in earth so it’s a good time to focus on realistic goals and work hard to achieve them. 


Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House