Surpise, Surprise and lots of Action at the Taurus Full Moon

The Sun moves into private, intense Scorpio on Friday the 23rd of October. Then the end of October brings some harmony in otherwise tumultuous times, perhaps best signified on the 28th of October when Mercury retrogrades back into the final degree of Libra just seven minutes before Venus ventures into the first degree of Libra, poetically bookending this Venus ruled sign. In these relatively combative times spurred on by Mars retrograde in Aries such support for peaceful communication and diplomacy in settling matters of differing opinion is welcome.

The Taurus Full Moon occurs at 12:50am on Sunday the 1st of November at the ninth degree of Taurus, characteried as A Fully Decorated Christmas Tree. With this date currently linked with signicant steps in our emergence out of lockdown in Melbourne and Victoria, this surely provides an especially poignant image of people and families who have been parted coming together. More broadly it evokes humanities undying faith in cyclic renewal and the ability to create inner happiness in dark hours by celebrating the remembered and anticipated high moments of life. This Sabian Symbol takes on added meaning with the Full Moon sharing this exact degree with Uranus.

A Taurus Moon is usually associated with a sense of stability and poise, resources, self esteem and all things sensous but predictable. However, with the Moon just minutes away from Uranus we can anticipate a degree of subconscious impulsivity and high voltage action. Survival and mortality fall under the rulership of Taurus. A powerful urge to protest and break free, and rebel is on the menu and we can anticipate heightened social, political, and/or financial volatility. Surprise revelations related to such topics as sex and tax evasion are likely. Social justice, equality and fairness will be on the agenda. It’s an especially good full moon to support letting go of what is no longer needed.

Any flashes of insight should be taken seriously as Uranus is the planet of revolutionary change and innovation and is likely to assist with overcoming hurdles, and implementing scientific, technological and humanitarian solutions.

This Taurus Full Moon occurs at the conclusion of Halloween, which in Celtic tradition is an exercise in seeing through the illusory nature of existence. This is in effect a second reference to the concept of the light at the end of the tunnel. While October and November are both active and challenging months astrologically we are finally approaching the light at the end of the 2020 tunnel.

Mercury stations to go direct on the day of the all important and nerve-racking American Election as the whole world watches. May the Uranian winds of change blow away extreme examples of the misuse of power!


Gillian Dwyer is a Melbourne astrologer Agent 25 of the C*I*A and frequent participant at Kundalini House