Pluto (in May) and Saturn (on 30 June) are retrograde and Neptune joins this backwards shuffle on the 3rd of July. This is a time to listen to your heart and act compassionately. Importantly Neptune has been at the final degree of the zodiac (30 degrees of Pisces) since early May and will remain at that precise degree until September. The Sabian Symbol for this degree speaks to the power of clearly visualised ideals to mould the life of the visualiser, while reminding of us of the importance of knowing what we want. The retrograde journey suggests that we have more work to do to shape the dream. This is also likely to activate events that have a significant impact on humanity’s destiny. Mercury moved into Leo on the 2nd of July, where communication is coloured by a sense of drama, humour and creative flair and affection and strong will motivate the need to establish connections.

The Cancer New Moon occurs at 8:57 am on the 6th of July at 15 degrees and is symbolised as: In a Sumptuous Dining Hall Guests Relax after Partaking of a Huge Banquet, describing the need that exists at an early stage of human growth to materialize the concept of fulfilment or to bring the spiritual into being. Significantly the Moon and Sun exactly merge with our brightest fixed star Sirius suggestive of the potential for receiving higher frequency energy at this time. The Moon is at home in Cancer, ensuring an emphasis on sensitivity, nurturing and natural rhythms. With dwarf planet Ceres opposing the New Moon there may be specific themes of releasing deep seated grief and a focus on mother-daughter relationships.

Venus moves into warmly affectionate Leo on the 12th of July moving away from a harmonious trine with Neptune where there’s a yearning for ideal love. This is followed the very next day by an opposition with transformative and powerful Pluto. The dreamy trine with Neptune and darker opposition with Pluto has already played out with Mercury (2nd and 3rd of July) and will also involve the Sun (22nd and 23rd of July).

On the 16th of July Mars and Uranus join forces in Taurus, while packing a punch. This conjunction can bring bursts of energy, which might translate to some extra tension, minor mishaps or accidents, and significant and surprising collective experiences on a global scale. As the combination of Mars and Uranus has an association with accidents it would be wise to be patient and take extra care around this time, while perhaps avoiding making life changing decisions for a day or two.

The Full Moon occurs at 8:17 pm on the 21st of July at 30 degrees of Capricorn, symbolised as: A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs. It references the power to assume responsibility for crucial choices, arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. Full Moons are a time to decide what, and how much of something, needs to be purged from our lives. This second Capricorn Full Moon is once again a time when one tends to react with self control and determination and there’s a need to manipulate the world and others in order to feel secure and to have authority. We are urged to balance our self protection needs at home with our need to make changes in our wider environment. With Pluto in Aquarius less than two degrees from the Moon lending a transformative intensity, there’s also a dreamy and close sextile with retrograde Neptune.

The Sun moves into its home of Leo on the 22nd of July inviting warm expression and radiant vitality with creative energy coloured by a sense of drama.