We recently celebrated Kundalini Yoga at the annual Kundalini Yoga Festival of light. The day focused on the heart centre. It was a wonderful day of community, sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and awakening the expansive space of the heart.
The heart chakra is the fourth spiritual centre within all of us. Physically located at the chest area, we can feel into this space by placing our hands over the chest. This connection of hands to heart creates a space of silence, an immediate sense of connecting in to a grateful space of presence and remembering. An inner knowing. The heart centre is very much tied to the breath. By consciously breathing with a focus at the heart space, we awaken the heart centre.
The heart centre is known as a neutral space. In a neutral space we have the ability to make decisions that are free of agenda, expectation and fear. When our heart is open, we open up to possibilities, opportunities and act in synch with the universe.
Try this simple heart breath meditation to connect into your gentle space. This is a great one to use when you need to make a decision and you’re not sure what to do. Practising this meditation regularly helps us to become familiar with the sensations of the heart and develop the discernment to connect us to the path that is right for us.
Hands on my heart meditation:
Bring the hands together at the heart centre in prayer pose. Tune in by chanting Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo x 3 (the Adi Mantra, used before Kundalini Yoga practice to connect in to our inner source of knowledge).
Before you begin, to help create a meditative space and open your heart, begin by holding your arms straight out to your sides, palms down, with long deep breathing or breath of fire, feeling the energy between your palms and the earth for 1-4 mins.
Place your hands on your heart, left on top of right. Feel the energy in your hands, your heart and your spine behind the heart. To help keep your attention at your heart, look down toward the nose with eyes just slightly open.
All you need to do is be with yourself. Practise being present. As you practice this and become more in tune with the heart, you can use this meditation to communicate with your own neutral heart centre. When you are in this meditation, ask a question, ask your heart to indicate a positive or negative response so that you can begin to get answers from your heart, not your head.
You can also place your right hand on the heart and the left hand on the pubic bone or second chakra. This connects the heart with the feelings, child and instinctual self and helps bypass the mind and the will.
Time: 3-11 mins or longer.
Finish by placing the hands together at the heart centre in prayer pose and chanting Sat Nam (I am truth).
This meditation is taken from Gururattan Kaur Khalsa’s book “Your Life is in Your Chakras, with the Kundalini Yoga Sets & Meditations of Yogi Bhajan”
This meditation is a simple yet very powerful tool to develop awareness, a neutral mind and compassion.
By Nancy Hanley (Vikrampeet)
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