Planting Hope for the Future at the Sagittarius New Moon


The recent Taurean Full Moon certainly packed a punch, with the Moon, the Sun and Mercury all involved in a dance with Pluto around this event. Pluto, less than two months away from its fated meeting with Saturn, provided a potential release point for the detrius of no longer needed energies that may have emerged from the depths of our unconscious around the Full Moon or shortly afterwards.

At best Scorpio, the natural home of Pluto, is about transformation and the sense of hard work that is needed to leave behind what has haunted us in the past. The Sun has been shining light into Scorpio’s dark places there since the 24th of October and, since the 4th of October, Mercury has been encouraging especially deep communications and providing ideal ground for articulating goals which rely on a focused mind and for probing to the core of reality. This has been especially so since Mercury went retrograde there on the 1st of November.

With Mars too moving into Scorpio on Tuesday the 19th of November we are being encouraged to take the necessary action to battle our demons. With Mars ready to take action here we need to channel and transform emotional power in order to achieve our desires effectively. Up to this point we may not have moved this agenda much beyond the realm of communication unearthed by Mercury’s long and recently backward journey through that transformative sign. Mercury stations to go forward again on Thursday the 21st of November. Then on the 10th of December it will finally move out of Scorpio after an unusually long visit in this deep territory, thereby allowing us to contemplate loftier heights in Sagittarius.

The Sun enters Sagittarius for its annual visit bringing much needed optimism and encouraging us to reach for the sky on Saturday the 23rd of November. The very next day Jupiter at home in Sagittarius joins up with Venus and hope and idealism are on the agenda.

After all the deep diving with Scorpio it’s time to reach the heights and to adventure and see the big picture and the Moon in Sagittarius has a subconscious disposition to question and search for meaning while encouraging a broadminded, tolerant and buoyant attitude towards life. The Sagittarius New Moon will occur at 1:05 am on Wednesday the 27th of November at 5 degrees of mutable Sagittarius describing An Old Owl Perched High up in A Tree. This heralds the possibility of developing wisdom beyond tragedy and a peace and poise beyond conflict. The Owl is a bird that functions lucidly at night and is representative of that consciousness that is active in the realms where the processes of life normally escape. This Moon involves a rebellious and frustrating awkward aspect with Uranus which in turn is opposed by Mars. Expect instantaneous and sudden change and the release of stored up energy at this New Moon. Draw on the wisdom of the owl and the mutable and flexible energy of Sagittarius to deal with whatever happens at this unpredictable New Moon.

The month ends with Neptune stationing to going direct, leaving Uranus as the only planet moving backwards.Then it’s full speed ahead into December and the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 2020.