Letting Go for a Breakthrough in Perception: Sagittarian Total Eclipse of the Moon


The Sun moves into curious Gemini on Friday the 21st of May joining Mercury, Venus and the North Node there. The proximitiy of the Lunar Nodes to the next Full Moon heralds the first of two particularly powerful eclipses. Collective karma is the stuff of the transiting Lunar Nodes and we are being challenged to learn the new lessons of the futuristic North Node while releasing the resisting energy of the past through the South Node. We are 12 months into an 18 month period when we are being encouraged to question dogma and blind faith, while listening to and integrating new perspectives. With the Gemini North Node, the truth is only as valid as the facts it rests upon, while we are being challenged to let go of the teacher/preacher (South Node in Sagittarius) whose truth is absolute.

This sets the scene for the Sagittarian Lunar Eclipse which serves as a particularly magical time to let go of something outworn to do with ‘truth’ and our belief system, a process spiritually enhanced by the temporary presence of Jupiter in Pisces at this time.  The Total Lunar Eclipse (visible in Melbourne for several hours from around sunset) occurs at the Sagittarius Full Super Moon at 9:13 pm on the 26th of May. Freedom, truth, belief systems, the search for the meaning of life, tolerance and an upbeat attitude are all on the agenda. With so much mutable energy at the Full Moon the mood is creative, malleable, adaptable and shape shifting.

The Eclipse occurs at the 6th degree of Sagittarius which is characterised as A Game of Cricket. This concerns the importance of developing group solidarity and it speaks to the development of skill in group situations testing collective goals. It is a reminder that every game has rules, and that honesty and integrity are crucially important. This is an important aspect of the Sagittarian story with Sagittarius being the natural home of the concept of natural justice.

This Moon is big and powerful. Not only is this a relatively rare total eclipse but the Moon is also particularly close to the Earth at this time, making it a SuperMoon. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, now in visionary Pisces squares the Moon and the Sun at this Full Moon, ensuring that anything that manifests is bigger and more expansive (perhaps even more long lasting) than ever. Mercury and Venus are close together in Gemini ensuring an active mind and creative inspiration, while a square between them and Neptune suggests universal themes and imaginative explorations, combined with a tendency to escape or the opportunity to reach some sort of resolution.

On the 30th of May Mercury goes retrograde, prolonging its time in its home of Gemini while spending more time than usual going over less terrrain. It is still co-mingling with Venus, and our relationships, values and beliefs will be under the retrospectoscope. This may be a good time to review your communications and take a little extra care with your words so as to not unintentionally cause offence.

With so much fiery intensity it will be particularly important to relax and breathe deep during this hectic time!