Breaking Free From Self-Sabotage: My Personal Journey

I was 12 years old, sitting an exam to get into senior school. But I was so dyslexic, I couldn’t read the questions on the exam paper.  For 40 minutes, I just sat there, stressing out, feeling more and more stupid and useless.

The emotional stress of that situation caused my unconscious mind to take a snapshot of the event and give it a meaning – “There’s no point trying because you’re only going to fail.” This became an unconscious program that ran on autopilot. Originally intended to keep me safe and to prevent me from feeling stupid and useless, my unconscious program turned into a belief that limited many aspects of my adult life.

In my 20s, “There’s no point trying because you’re only going to fail” impacted my work, manifesting as self-sabotage. In my early 30s, the head of development at Miramax wanted to make a feature film with me. It didn’t happen; I self-sabotaged. I self-sabotaged over and over again and opportunities came and went.

Then in 2007, everything changed. This was the year I realised I didn’t have to live with my self-sabotage. In 2007, I started studying hypnotherapy and NLP, and that’s when I learnt about Timeline Therapy.

Timeline is one of my favourite techniques for breaking through limiting beliefs. It’s a gentle yet powerful way to reframe the meaning of significant emotional events. Here’s how it can benefit you:

  1. Empowerment: Timeline allows you to revisit past events safely and transform negative beliefs into empowering ones. For instance, I was able to replace “There’s no point trying because you’re only going to fail” with a belief in my ability to be successful.
  2. Healing: By addressing the root cause of emotional distress, you experience a deep healing, freeing you from the burden of past pain and gaining closure.
  3. Confidence: As you let go of old patterns, you begin to trust in your ability to create positive outcomes in your life.

Take the Next Step. Many of us have had traumatic experiences that shape our lives, but we don’t have to live with self-sabotage or limiting beliefs. If you recognise these patterns in yourself and are ready to break free from them, book an appointment with Marcus on Fridays at Kundalini House. Start your journey to a new you.



Marcus Corah Hypnotherapist NLPMarcus Corah

Dip. Cognitive Hypnotherapy, NLP Master Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner

Marcus holds a Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner from the Quest Institute in London, England, and is a certified NLP Trainer through Chris Howard Training. He has been working as a therapist for over 15 years, helping clients overcome personal challenges and achieve their full potential.

Marcus’s journey into cognitive hypnotherapy and NLP began during the global financial crisis when he worked as a redundancy coach for large advertising and media agencies. This role quickly evolved into helping senior executives break through the limiting beliefs that were holding them back from success.