The month commences with a Scorpio New Moon  at 11:47 pm on the 1st of November at 10 degrees. This degree is symbolised as:  A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades.  Addressing the value of companionship and group consciousness, it speaks to the essential nature of the bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity. With the Sun and Moon in the sign of Scorpio we are encouraged to delve deep, ideally bringing something to light from our shadow side, with the intention of clearing the way forward. With the Moon in Scorpio we tend to feel nurtured when giving and/or receiving emotionally intense energy. With Saturn in Pisces forming a trine to the Moon a domestic urge is combined with a need for security through tangible achievement and taking responsibility. This would be a good time to initiate plans involving hard work with a view towards stability. Willpower can be strong and we may feel the urge to penetrate to the core of experience, with the Moon in Scorpio’s rulers Mars and Pluto forming an opposition at this new Moon.

Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 3rd of November, where the need to learn is expressed through restless aspiration propelling one towards an ideal. Mercury will come to a standstill to turn retrograde on the 27th of November  Mars moves into warm and dramatic Leo on the 4th of November where initiative and drive are expressed confidently with creative flair and abundant vitality. Mars perfects its opposition to Pluto the previous night, with associated power struggles.

Pluto went direct in mid October and will re-enter Aquarius on the 21st of November. Pluto will not re-enter Capricorn for another 200 years. During this final, forward movement of Pluto through the last degree of Capricorn we may experience a sense of grief, urgency and impending change. As is so often evident in the many dark events currently coming to light, we are going through a collective transition as we explore new ways of approaching long standing issues. The weight of a troubled world and mortality issues, so evident in the daily toll of war deaths, are likely to be particularly heavily felt as we experience an acute awareness of our finite existence. We are preparing for a time of power sharing with Pluto in Aquarius.  In the meantime we have an opportunity to really appreciate our life, our connection to a sense of purpose and our commitment to prioritise what truly matters.

Venus will move from Sagittarius into Capricorn on the 12th of November, where pleasure and love needs may be inhibited by fearful, suspicious attitudes or an aloof, impersonal approach.  Saturn, which has been retrograde since the end of June, stations to turn direct on the day of the Full Moon. While you may have experienced a slowdown of plans and projects in the four months since Saturn went retrograde, once it gets going forward once more we will be more motivated to get back to the drawing board to ensure everything we were building was planted on a solid foundation.

The Taurus Full Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun at 8:28 am on the 16th of November at 25 degrees, symbolised as: A Vast Public Park, referring to the cultivation of natural energies for collective use and cultivation. This suggests living in peace and is a symbol of collective enjoyment born of feelings of belonging to a large organised peaceful whole.  While there’s a strong need for security at a Taurus Full Moon, we can expect some unanticipated challenge, with the planet of change, Uranus, only a degree away from this Moon. While the Pluto Mars opposition is dissipating, Pluto is forming a loose trine to this Super Moon suggesting deep transformation,with release at this time.

The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd   of  November, where creative energy is directed to one’s ideals and aspirations, not only expressing them but also promoting them to others.