It’s eclipse season and if you’ve been feeling a little unsteady, you’re not alone. Many, many of us are exhausted (and experiencing a range of physical symptoms), have shadow or subconscious material coming to the surface to be processed, are in another wave of transition or metamorphosis, or are generally just feeling ungrounded or uncertain.
This is big stuff. Not only are we smack bang in between two eclipses, but it’s also Mercury Retrograde! I’ll come back to Mercury shortly. But first we need to understand that Eclipses are the universe’s way of nudging us onto our most aligned path. They create powerful energetic shifts, but they always have our best interests at heart, whether we can sense it immediately or not. Things are likely to pop up that need to transform. Trust, trust, trust.
The first eclipse occurred on the 25 March at the Libra Full Moon and the next one is coming up on 9 April at the Aries New Moon. Happening across the Libra and Aries axes, these eclipses are here to support us at a collective level to move courageously towards our individual dreams and consider how we’re bringing the people around us on the journey. Allow whatever change is unfolding in your life to happen. The less we resist the more the universe can work its magic.
And back to Mercury Retrograde. The messenger planet, the planet ruling day-to-day communication, stationed retrograde on 1st April. What does that mean? Well, from our vantage point on Earth, Mercury appears to be travelling backwards. This can mean travel delays, computer crashes and communication breakdowns. For this reason, Mercury Retrograde is often feared but you don’t have to! Use this time now until 25 April to slow down and go within. It’s the ideal moment to reconnect with your creative capacity, fan the flames of your inner fire and review your next steps.
Alison Lasek: Offerings
April Intensive:
In my week-long Kundalini Yoga for Mercury Retrograde Intensive, we will be doing just that. Join me at 8am each weekday beginning 8 April 2024 to make Mercury Retrograde a time of clarity, connection and creativity.
1:1 Readings:
And if you need a little extra guidance, I’m now offering 1:1 astrology readings at Kundalini House, kicking off on Saturday 13 April, and continuing on the second Saturday of each month.
Hope to see you at Kundalini House over the coming weeks!
Check Alison’s website for all available appointment times and reach out to Alison if you’d like to see her at Kundalini House at an alternative time.
More on Alison
Alison Lasek is an Astrologer and Kundalini Yoga Instructor, dedicated to connecting you with ancient wisdom and universal guidance to step into a life that’s truly yours. She is Broadsheet Media’s national astrologer and has studied with Alice Bell, astrologer for British Vogue and Maxine Luiza, founder of Spiritual Astrology School.
Alison is passionate about astrology’s ability to help people navigate life’s challenges, move beyond people-pleasing, overthinking or numbing out to follow their dreams and make every day count. A Birth Chart Reading with Alison provides insightful exploration into your potential, strengths and life purpose, helping you work through blocks and challenges with a higher perspective. Her Current Energy Readings offer clarity on current challenges and opportunities, empowering you to let go of fear, prioritise your passions and move into alignment with your soul’s highest path.
You can find Alison at Kundalini House, where she teaches Kundalini Yoga infused with astrological insights at 6:30am on Thursdays and provides private astrology readings on the second Saturday of every month.
Alison specialises in a range of areas including (but not limited to):
- Enhancing life’s purpose, direction and meaning.
- Finding optimal timing for creativity, productivity and abundance.
- Advancing opportunities in relationships, career, finances, romance, home, and family.
Contact Alison Lasek to discover how astrological insight can illuminate your path to greater empowerment and fulfilment.
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